Baby Escapes From Crib

97 SharesGot a climber?I do.My youngest is 19 months old, and he is the kid that will make my whole head turn grey by the time he’s 5 years old.He is the ULTIMATE climber. He climbs his high chair, he climbs the cabinets, he climbs sofas and tables and fences and fireplaces and anything else he can possibly get his hands and feet on.When he was 12.5 months old, we had his mattress set to the lowest setting in his crib, and he climbed out. Or climbed onto the top and then fell over the side of it (thank goodness for carpeting, and a kid who never seems to actually hurt himself).I panicked, and went to the web to find a solution. So many sites said “if they are climbing out, they are probably ready for a toddler bed!”I’m sorry, no 13 month old is “ready” for a toddler bed.

Because no 13 month old should be left to their own devices, to roam a room that likely has even more fun things to climb, or trouble to get into. Only one caveat here these hacks may not work with all cribs so you have to check out what you’re working with. Thankfully, both worked like a charm for my little climber.I didn’t do both at once, as each one will buy you some time on its own, so I recommend graduating into each of these steps, when the time is right.Before I go any further – here is my disclaimer – I am not a professional crib safety specialist – these methods have been tested and proven to work on my own kids, but may not work in all cases. These are offered merely as ideas to consider – please use your own judgement and common sense to gauge whether these will work for your own child, and if there are any safety issues that may present themselves with your current set up. Use these recommendations at your own risk.Hack #1 – Remove your crib’s mattress support completely, leaving the mattress directly on the floor (important details below)I used this method when my son was 13 months old and began climbing out of the crib.

It lowered the mattress close to 10 inches, effectively preventing my son from being able to reach the top wall of the crib. It bought us SIX MONTHS of safe crib use, preventing him from climbing out!!The first thing to check before you go for this kind of set up, is that the sides of your crib come down low enough, to keep the mattress in place while resting on the floor. These are pretty good ideas.

We had to put the mattress on the floor to keep our special needs son safe Not because he was climbing out, but because he was too tall and I was worried he was going to tip over the top rail. We put 1 inch x 5 inch boards at the bottom, below the rails, so that there isn’t any gap. I was worried that his weight would make the mattress compress enough that he’d get something stuck underneath the rails. This hack has given us 2 more years of him in his crib. We’re currently waiting for a custom made, twin sized crib to be finished, but he’s been able to stay safely in his crib for 5 years using this hack. This worked for me:I put zippered, footed sleepers on my kids in one size larger than they needed and used a diaper pin to pin the sleeper toes together.

A child can be injured by falling from the crib (especially if your baby or toddler’s room isn’t carpeted). What’s more, a child who’s loose in his bedroom, in the middle of the night, is at risk (especially if your house isn’t toddler-proofed). Let’s review a few options to help with your crib climbing toddler. Watch Toddler Help Baby Brother Break Out of Crib In Adorable Viral Video. 2017 at 10:42 pm. A crafty little boy managed to break out his baby brother from his crib using a plastic stool, lots.

They could still stand up and move around the crib, but they couldn’t lift their foot over the rail.You can get cute diaper pins on Amazon- to pin the toes together, They’re nice to have because you can use them for so many other things.This is similar to the hack with the strip of fabric sewn between the legs – but cheaper and more practical, since you can remove the pin when you get them out of bed. And you don’t have to make or purchase special jammies. Everyone who has tried this idea has loved it.Now I have a toddler grandson, and his parents are using the same trick. When my now 5 year old was around 15 months he was climbing out as well so I put his mattress on the floor and within a week he figured out how to climb out.

I know what I’m about to say sounds cruel, but hes the one that could also open doors and windows and left the house in the middle of the night more than once. But with the mattress on the floor already we also took one of those everyday wooden expandable doorway baby gates and used bunggies to hold it on the top. Hes short so he was still able to stand fully just not get out we also took the door of the hinges to his room and put 3 baby gates in his door way because he would climb over one so we put a second over that one on top of the other and he climbed that so we had three from floor to ceiling. Some one did call child protective services saying it was child cruelty and when then checked it out and saw how much he climbed, they agreed that it was in his best interest and said that it was a creative way to keep him safe. We think our home is secure for our toddler, and we can always close his bedroom doors.Currently he is 1,4 years old and a month ago we gave him “freedom”. It is quite an effort to get him sleep, but then he sleeps through the night and does not go around the house.

In the morning, when he wakes up, there is no more crying. He quitelty goes around the house and finally find mommy or daddy. I leave in some visible places (that I think would be in his way when we wakes up) some toys with loud music, so I know for sure that he has got up and be aware. The fact that your wrote this comment portrays how ridiculously naive you are if you have kids big IF btw because someone who does I promise you wouldn’t post this!

Go ahead and place a toddler in a day bed at 18 months old, even 2 years old. Watch them destroy you’re room, possibly injuring themselves in the process. Toddlers who can climb no longer need to CRY to get your attention to come get them. Therefore they will find other things to do in that room possibly while you are SLEEPING that will injure themselves. Prime example: pulling drawers out of dressers and possibly being crushed by the actual dresser itself in the process.

Do yourself a favor, don’t ever comment on a post again please. At least until you have a child. Wow, thank you for this!!

We spent the holidays traveling and my tiny but athletic 1.5 year old realized she could climb out of her pack n play, so our once decent sleeper (we worked HARD at it) ceased to sleep yet again when she transferred those skills to her crib. We are desperate and have been getting up upwards of 5 times per night when she wakes up screaming (she just started this, ugh) which gives us our cue that she`s throwing herself over the crib railing. We have been waiting with baited breath for her toddler sleep sack to arrive in the mail, which it did this morning, but I fear it will only make a small dent, if any.

I can`t wait to talk to my hubby about taking the bottom out of the crib!! I think this is the answer!! We are still so far away from a toddler bed. Not this stubborn little one, not yet!. Tonight for the first time our 18 month old came running into our bedroom with our 9 year old. We stunned thinking our oldest took him out. Thank goodness our oldest was there because he heard him walk past his room on the way to the dark stairs.

My husband and I didn’t know what to do, we knew he was a climber but he never climb out the crib. I sat in the glider with our baby while we ponder what to do. A very scary feeling when you are not sure if you can sleep with a baby that can be lose in his room, even if it child proof. Then it came to me to turn the crib around against the wall since the back wall of the crib was higher. Then I took to the Internet for answers and found this great post. I am going to definitely drop the mattress to the floor tomorrow, and turn the crib back around. That should work for a few more months, he will be 2 in August so not much longer to a toddler bed.

I know this is horrible but I’m going to be that momma! My child literally got out of her crib 10 times tonight and is currently screaming her head off because mommy put the mattress on the bottom of the floor. I refuse to convert her crib until she is potty trained which she has no interest in even at 2 1/2 years. Thanks for the idea. Now looking at the nanny cam I see she has moved the mattress and crawled backwards under the crib and her head was stuck.

Not sure how completely safe this is but she realized she could not get out and has not tried it since I went back in her room to get her unstuck. She finally after 2 hours of trying to get her asleep is knocked out. Amen, praise jesus! Now this momma can get some homework done! 🙂 thanks again!. Thank you SO MUCH!

Dropping the mattress has saved me so much stress. My son was diving out head first, and essentially flipping out of the crib. He got some bruises when we couldn’t catch him in time. I was worried he would have to go to toddler bed but I really just dont think he’d get the concept yet, plus I didn’t want the extra stress of that transition as I’m teaching in a very difficult class this year. Think this will bide us quite a bit of time when the transition might be smoother.

So unbelievably relieved!!. Thanks for this post. We couldn’t drop the toddler bed to the floor with our crib. The secret world of benjamin bear episodes.

It would actually break our crib and we did not want to do that. After 2 weeks of not being able to sleep we actually broke down and bought these Little Grounders ( baby pajamas that helped. They’re similar to the ones recommended here except we didn’t have to make them ourselves (I can’t sew!). One of my co-workers recommended them. They worked great and we finally have our bed back!If you have the time you can probably make them, though the Little Grounders is REALLY nice quality (fabric, fit, everything), but I’ve got 2 kids with a 3rd on the way so even if I could sew I would not have time for that.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. Thanks for this post. We couldn’t drop the toddler bed to the floor with our crib. It would actually break our crib and we did not want to do that. After 2 weeks of not being able to sleep we actually broke down and bought these Little Grounders ( baby pajamas that helped. They’re similar to the ones recommended here except we didn’t have to make them ourselves (I can’t sew!). One of my co-workers recommended them.

They worked great and we finally have our bed back!If you have the time you can probably make them, though the Little Grounders is REALLY nice quality (fabric, fit, everything), but I’ve got 2 kids with a 3rd on the way so even if I could sew I would not have time for that. Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.It’s worth mentioning that the suggestion of putting the shorter side of the crib against the wall and the taller portion in the front WORKS. My sister did that and it was okay for about 2 weeks.

Then my nephew just climbed over the sides. Maybe this will help someone thinking about that option. All images and text on this site are property of Giddy Upcycled. If you enjoy one of our projects and would like to share it, feel free to use one or two photos provided that a link back to my original post is included.

Please do not remove any watermarks, crop, or edit any of my images without first obtaining written permission from me. Similarly, if we are sharing our favorite projects by other bloggers, please follow the same image guidelines, honoring their copyright, and link to those project pages directly. Pinning is always welcome and appreciated.

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Contributor at ShareablyBabies may be fully dependent on their parents to take care of their needs but there’s no denying how incredibly smart and fast they are. The saying “babies don’t keep” rings true, that’s why moms and dads everywhere make sure they’re present for each milestone, celebrations, and the precious moments in between the sleepless nights and the long, tiring days. And because babies grow up way too fast, their brains are developing rapidly, too. It’s amazing how they discover things for themselves like unlocking skills that were never even introduced to them.swiggle1dot pattern2YouTubeWe’re not just referring to the crawling, babbling, and the dancing, either. These babies have somehow learned the concept of freedom: breaking out of their cribs and playpens to wander about.

Note that most of the time, the escape plans are a success. One minute, your little bub is sitting in his crib, just innocently playing with his toys and the next, he’s climbing over the rails and slipping slowly down until he lands on the floor.Babies sure know how to keep grown-ups on their toes! It’s such a mystery how they learn the art of escaping but it sure is entertaining to watch! Fortunately, we live in a time where we can easily document babies’ antics in secret while keeping an eye on them.swiggle1dot pattern2YouTubeThese babies sure know how to act fast. In a matter of seconds, they’re able to step on pillows and other objects that give leverage, swing their legs over the top of the crib, and land with ease (or with very little struggle).


What makes this funnier is the confidence they have while escaping, topped with the triumphant look on their faces when they realize their attempt was a successful one. Escaping isn’t done by just climbing over cribs, either. These babies have learned to slide out from under, too!Watching these babies escape swiftly will really make you wonder what they plan on doing once they’ve managed to climb out of cribs or slide out from under them.swiggle1dot pattern2YouTube Babies don’t always work alone, either.It’s comical to see a sibling standing by, watching curiously as their brother or sister attempts to escape. Are they taking notes?

Holding their breaths in anticipation? Waiting for mom and dad to bust in and catch their sibling in the act?

We’ll never really know as babies’ minds seem to be wired differently and are quite advanced. These adorable onlookers will either be tattletales or accomplices in the near future, that’s for sure.swiggle1dot pattern2YouTubeThis compilation of escape tactics will undoubtedly make you question the efficacy of baby-proofing strategies because let’s be honest, the little ones just continue to find ways around them! Pretty impressive when you think about it. Equestrian games online.

Do they formulate plans A to Z in their heads while playing, or do they get these lightbulb moments and immediately act on them to test the waters? If only babies came with thought bubbles and subtitles!swiggle1dot pattern2YouTubeOne of the babies caught on video even carefully studied each step in his plan! You’ll laugh when you see how he first looks around for objects to use and finally decides on a pillow which he proceeds to throw on the floor. What’s it for, you ask?

A guaranteed soft landing, of course! How smart is that?!swiggle1dot pattern2YouTubeKeeping an eye on a baby is a tough job.

It’s more than just making sure they’re fed, clean, happy, and entertained. They know how to take advantage of each second you’re not looking, which really is proof that size isn’t a gauge of intellect and that they’re not to be underestimated at all. Let this funny compilation of smart baby escape plans remind you of why you should really watch your little ones like a hawk!Please SHARE this with your friends and family.