Dracula Origins Walkthrough

Dracula: Origin walkthroughDracula:OriginWalkthrough by ronrobJune 2008Notes:Animportant feature is the space bar that shows all the hot spots on the screen.You will save a lot of time and pixel hunting if you use it each time youenter a new scene or vantage point.The inventoryis a little clunky. Right click to open the inventory (or Documents or Reportsor archived Dialogs). Click “Items,” left click the item you want to use, andthen right click again to close the inventory. The selected item appears in theupper right corner of the screen, and it remains there until you go back toinventory and turn the highlight off. You really need to turn the item offwhen you are done with it because otherwise the game will think you are tryingto use that item any time you click the hand icon.Use ESC for the main menu.Double clicking the footprints will cause a scene changewithout having to wait for your character to walk there.Professor Van Helsing'sStudyListen asProfessor Van Helsing talks about the various ways to defeat vampires.

Dracula: Origin Guide. Egyptian Museum. Egyptian Museum Cairo Dracula: Origin Guide. Post Comment. Next Cairo Marketplace #2 Prev Cairo Marketplace. Once inside the museum (screen), listen to what Van Helsing has to say about some of the artefacts stored here. I would strongly recommend that you take your time. Universal Hint System hints for Dracula: Origin. The UHS shows you just the hints you need, unlike a traditional walkthrough.

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Hementions some untested techniques such as garlic, mirrors, running water, andsilver bullets. However, the three methods he trusts most are a crucifix, holywater, and a wooden stake.Your lodger,Maria, arrives and delivers a letter and a newspaper. The letter is from yourformer student, Jonathan Harker, who was on a mission to seek out and destroyDracula. (Right click and look in the Documents to read the letter.)Pretending to bea librarian in order to get access to Dracula, Harker made the mistake ofmentioning his beloved Mina and showing her picture to Dracula.

This sentDracula off to London in search of Mina, but not before Harker met his end atDracula’s hands.Right clickagain to read the newspaper. In the following table, the piano keys are listedfrom left to right. The chemicals are from the painting at the upper left, andthe colors are taken from the chemistry book page at the upper right.Key Chemical ColorCNa 2CrO 4 yellowC#H 2SO 4 beigeDHgS redD#NiO greenEPOCl 3 brownFMnO 2 blackF#(No information)GCuSO 4 5H 2O blueG#NaOH greyAO 2 pinkA#Na 2Cr 2O 7 orangeBC 2H 6O violetC2TiO 2 whiteIn the following table, the keys of the melody areshown in the top row. The bottom row shows the associated colors from the tableabove.C GD# F D A# C2yellow bluegreen black redorange whiteNow drag litmus papers from the lower right corner tothe test tubes in the order shown in the bottom row above. As you do this,numbers appear in the white space below the test tubes:2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 18Go left to the corner of the room where you seesomething that looks like a giant urn. Click it to reveal a safe.

To open thesafe, use the left and right arrows at the top to move the pointer to each ofthe numbers above, in order. Each time you point to a number, click the handleon the right.Reach into the safe and take the key and the woodenangel. You also get a letter from Duke Orlowski that appears in Documents. Readthe letter to learn that something sinister was going on at the university.Unlock the white door right of the bookshelves andenter. Somewhere her in the library is the secret door that leads to the abbey.Come down screen and see the long banner with theuniversity insignia. Pull the curtain aside and see a round receiving area forthe black (demon) and white (angel) pieces. This must be what Baker, Orlowski’sstudent referred to.Although you don’t have all the needed pieces, youcan go ahead and fit the ones that are there to get some idea of the pattern.Just experiment.

After only a couple of locked in pieces, you will see how theywill all eventually fit together.Go up screen to the dissecting table just left of thefoot of the stairs. Pick up the tweezersand the scalpel.Now check the cabinet with the butterfly collection on the wall behind thetable. Open the cabinet with the scalpel and take an angel.Go to the ornate radio between the bookshelves rightof the butterfly cabinet and take an angel.Go up the stairs behind you and see a map of Europe.Click Transylvania, a country in gray just right of center, and take anotherangel.Go right along the bookcases. There is a book with anangel on the cover at the end of the first middle shelf.

(You might need to stepforward a little so you can see it. Take theangel and read about crossbows.Come back down the stairs and go up toward thefireplace on the left. You are looking at the left side of the staircase. Pickup the pokerin the lower left corner. Try the winch and watch as the chandelier is lowered.Come back down and take the moveable stairs.(Huh?) Place the moveable stairs under the chandelier by clicking the stairs onthe chandelier. Go up and get another angel.Go right of the central staircase to the anatomydisplay.

Take the suspenders from one of the skeletons.