Glory Road Youtube

I do not own any of this footage. Bruckheimer, J. (Producer), & Gartner, J.

In 1966, a coach of a girl's basketball team comes to Texas Western College and recruits seven black players to lead them to the top. Right from the trailers and the posters, you probably know how 'Glory Road' is gonna go: an underdog NCAA basketball team must face great odds to win the championship.

It's a sports movie based from true events (read: based) with a Hollywood tag plastered over its forehead that features reluctant heroes overcoming their problems and giving it all for the game. Nonetheless, the movie achieves more than that. While this Jerry Bruckheimer-produced Disney movie plot is typical (remember the Titans?), the underlying socio-political theme effectively presents the ills of racism - a problem with no easy way out of (ask Paul Haggis). The key characters of the game are dealing with discrimination and the only way they can get back is to win.

Of course, a little research told me that some of the details about the real events were changed for cinematic purposes. It's completely fine by me as long as the end product justifies the means. And boy it does.

The performances are also good. Josh Lucas gives a terrific performance as Don Haskins, the head coach of the team that featured the first all-black starting lineup in US NCAA history. 'Glory Road' is a formulaic yet an enjoyable film. It's a movie that gives itself away as soon as one character says 'I want to play, Coach!' Still it has charm and excitement that comes from seeing it for what it is. It's predictable, yeah, but it's not much different from seeing a replay of a game where your favorite team won.

The synopsis below may give away important plot points.Synopsis. During the American Civil War, the Massachusetts Infantry Regiment engages Confederate forces in the bloody Battle of Antietam. Captain Robert Shaw is injured in the battle and assumed lost, but is found alive by a gravedigger named John Rawlins and sent to a field hospital. While on medical leave in Boston, Shaw visits his family, and is introduced to former slave and abolitionist, Frederick Douglass.

Shaw is offered a promotion to the rank of Colonel, and command of the first all-black regiment the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, which will consist solely of black soldiers. He accepts the responsibility, and asks his childhood friend, Major Cabot Forbes to serve as his second-in-command. Their first volunteer soldier is another one of Shaw's friends, a bookish freeman named Thomas Searles. Other recruits soon follow, including Rawlins, timid freeman Jupiter , and Trip , an escaped slave who is mistrustful of Shaw. Trip instantly clashes with Thomas, and Rawlins must keep the peace. When the Confederacy issues an order that all black soldiers found in Union uniform will be summarily executed as will their white officers, the opportunity is given to all men in the 54th to take a honorable discharge, but none do. The black soldiers undergo a Draconian training regimen under the harsh supervision of Sgt.

Forbes and Shaw argue over the brutality of the training, as the former believes they will never be allowed to fight and will only be used as a manual labor force. When Trip goes AWOL and is caught, Shaw orders him flogged in front of the troops. The scars of his previous beatings as a slave are exposed and this presents a real dilemma for the abolitionist Shaw. While talking to Rawlins, Shaw finds out that Trip had left merely to find suitable shoes to replace his own worn ones. Shaw realizes that supplies are being denied to his soldiers because of their race.

He belligerently confronts the quartermaster, Kendric , and finds out that indeed shoes and socks were in stock but had not been given to the black soldiers. His advocacy on behalf of his soldiers continues through a pay dispute during which the Federal government decided to pay black soldiers less than white soldiers. Once the 54th completes its training, they are transferred under the command of General Charles Garrison Harker. On the way to joining the war in South Carolina, the 54th is ordered to sack a Georgia town and burn it by Harker's second-in-command, Colonel Montgomery.

After first refusing, he obeys the order and the town is destroyed. Shaw continues to lobby his superiors to allow his men to join the fight. All their duties since being activated involved building and manual labor. Shaw invests Rawlins as a Sergeant Major and Rawlins begins the difficult task of earning respect from both the white and black soldiers. Shaw confronts Harker and threatens to report the smuggling, looting, and graft he has discovered unless Harker orders the 54th into combat. In their first battle on James Island, South Carolina, early success is followed by a bloody confrontation with many casualties. However, the Confederates are beaten and retreat.

During the battle, Thomas is wounded but saves Trip, finally earning the respect of the former slave. He subsequently refuses to go home to recover. Some time after, General George Strong informs Shaw and his superiors of a major campaign to secure a foothold in Charleston Harbor.

Infinite undiscovery wiki. Infinite Undiscovery Official Trailer 2 Hot new trailer for Infinite Undiscovery on the Xbox 360! By Dan Mihoerck @neur0sis on October 19, 2019 at 1:10PM PDT. I did this with both Infinite Undiscovery and Star Ocean Tlh. Btw this is the last bc games on this console. Microsoft is working on a project to make thousands of games bc for the next gen console. Please review the information on the internet. 7/2/2019 Update Microsoft appears to have solved some of the issues with buying the bc games. Infinite Undiscovery release date is September 2nd (Square Enix RPG for Xbox 360) Square Enix announced that Infinite Undiscovery will ship exclusively for the Xbox 360 on September 2nd in America and on September 5th in Europe. Other obvious choices suggest that Microsoft bankrolled Infinite Undiscovery 2, given the IP is their trademark, and it sold 620,000 copies worldwide. Just because you did not want a sequel, has no effect on the thousands of fans who do want a sequel and the reality of a new Infinite Undiscovery coming out as soon as this year.

This will involve assaulting the nearby Morris Island and capturing its impenetrable fortress, Battery Wagner. The fort's only landward approach is via a small strip of beach with little cover, and the first regiment to charge is sure to suffer extremely heavy casualties. Shaw volunteers to have the 54th lead the charge. Divine divinity original sin 2 builds.

The night before the battle, the black soldiers conduct a religious service where individual soldiers offer their prayers amid singing hymns. Rawlins and Trip make emotional speeches to inspire the troops and to ask for God's help. The 54th leads the charge on the fort and heavy casualties ensue on the beach as artillery fire smashes through the ranks. As night falls the bombardment continues and no progress can be made.

Shaw attempts to urge the men forward, but is shot several times and killed. Stunned, the soldiers stay where they are until Trip lifts up the flag and rallies the soldiers to continue on. He is shot several times while doing so, but holds up the flag to his last breath. Forbes takes charge of the regiment, and they are able to break through the fort's outer defenses, but find themselves greatly outnumbered once they are inside. The morning after the battle, we see the beach littered with bodies as the Confederate flag is raised over the fort. As the corpses are buried in a mass grave, Shaw and Trip's bodies fall next to each other. The closing narration reveals that Battery Wagner was never taken by Union forces.

However, the sacrifice of the 54th, which lost nearly half its men in the battle, was not in vain, as their bravery inspired the Union to recruit thousands more black men for combat. Their participation would be credited by President Abraham Lincoln as an important factor that enabled the Union to achieve final victory over the Confederacy.