Lost Civilizations Of Africa

Main article:Two civilizations once inhabited the lands encompassing the modern day states of and.D'mt The first kingdom known to have existed in Eritrea and Ethiopia was the kingdom of, with its capital at, where a style temple was built around 700 BC. It rose to power around the 10th century BC.

The D'mt kingdom was influenced by the Sabaeans in Yemen, however it is not known to what extent. While it was once believed that D'mt was a Sabaean colony, it is now believed that Sabaean influence was minor, limited to a few localities, and disappeared after a few decades or a century, perhaps representing a trading or military colony in some sort of symbiosis or military alliance with the civilization of Dʿmt or some other proto-Aksumite state. Few inscriptions by or about this kingdom survive and very little archaeological work has taken place.

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Oct 19, 2015  Unearthing East Africa's lost civilization - CNN Meet the archaeologist uncovering the roots of Swahili culture in search of a great undiscovered metropolis on the Tanzania coast.

As a result, it is not known whether Dʿmt ended as a civilization before 's early stages, evolved into the Aksumite state, or was one of the smaller states united in the possibly around the beginning of the 1st century. Axum The first verifiable kingdom of great power to rise in Eritrea and Ethiopia was that of Axum in the 1st century AD. It was one of many successor kingdoms to and was able to unite the and northern beginning around the 1st century BC.

They established bases on the northern highlands of the Ethiopian Plateau and from there expanded southward. The religious figure listed Axum with, Persia, and as one of the four great powers of his time. The origins of the Axumite Kingdom are unclear, although experts have offered their speculations about it.Christianity was introduced into the country by, who was consecrated first bishop of Axum by about 330. Frumentius converted, who left several inscriptions detailing his reign both before and after his conversion. One inscription found at Axum, states that he conquered the nation of the, and returned thanks to his father, the god Mars, for his victory.

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Later inscriptions show Ezana's growing attachment to Christianity, and Ezana's coins bear this out, shifting from a design with disc and crescent to a design with a cross. Expeditions by Ezana into the at in Sudan may have brought about its demise, though there is evidence that the kingdom was experiencing a period of decline beforehand.

As a result of Ezana's expansions, Aksum bordered the Roman. The degree of Ezana's control over Yemen is uncertain. Though there is little evidence supporting Aksumite control of the region at that time, his title, which includes king of Saba and Salhen, Himyar and Dhu-Raydan (all in modern-day Yemen), along with gold Aksumite coins with the inscriptions, 'king of the ' or 'Habashite', indicate that Aksum might have retained some legal or actual footing in the area.

Egypt Ancient Egypt was a of, concentrated along the lower reaches of the in the place that is now the country. Ancient Egyptian civilization followed and coalesced around 3100 BC.Egypt reached the pinnacle of its power in the New Kingdom, ruling much of and a sizable portion of the, after which it entered a period of slow decline. During the course of its history Egypt was invaded or conquered by a number of foreign powers, including the, the, the, the, the, and the under the command of. The Greek, formed in the aftermath of Alexander's death, ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under, it fell to the and became.The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the. The predictable and controlled of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which supported a more dense population, and and culture. With resources to spare, the sponsored mineral exploitation of the valley and surrounding desert regions, the early development of an independent, the organization of collective construction and agricultural projects, trade with surrounding regions, and intended to defeat foreign enemies and assert Egyptian dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a bureaucracy of elite, religious leaders, and administrators under the control of a, who ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptian people in the context of an elaborate system of.The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the, and construction techniques that supported the building of monumental, and; a system of, a practical and effective, irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known planked boats, and glass technology, new forms of, and the, made with the Hittites.

Ancient Egypt has left a lasting legacy. Its and were widely copied, and its antiquities carried off to far corners of the world. Its monumental ruins have inspired the imaginations of travelers and writers for centuries.

A new-found respect for antiquities and excavations in the early modern period by Europeans and Egyptians led to the of Egyptian civilization and a greater appreciation of its cultural legacy. References. ^. Munro-Hay, Aksum, p. 57.

Phillipson. ' The First Millennium BC in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia and South–Central Eritrea: A Reassessment of Cultural and Political Development'. African Archaeological Review (2009) 26:257–274. Uhlig, Siegbert (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica: D-Ha. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005. 185. Stuart Munro-Hay, Aksum, p.

81. 'Chronology'.

Digital Egypt for Universities, University College London. Archived from the original on 16 March 2008. Retrieved 25 March 2008.

Clayton (1994) p. 217. James (2005) p. 8. Manuelian (1998) pp. 6–7. Ward, Cheryl.

'World's Oldest Planked Boats', in (Volume 54, Number 3, May/June 2001). Archaeological Institute of America. Clayton (1994) p. 153. James (2005) p. 84External links.

The Mycenaean CivilizationTime: 1600-1100 BC.Location: GreeceUnlike the Minoan, Mycenaean flourished not only through trade but also through conquest, to the point where their empire spanned nearly all of Greece. The Mycenaean civilization has experienced five centuries of dominating power before disappearing around 1100 BC.

Several are centered around this civilization, like that of the legendary King Agamemnon who led the Greek army during. The Mycenaean civilization was rich culturally and economically, and has left behind many artifacts. It is not clear why they disappeared: earthquake, invasions, or may be peasant revolts! Olmec CivilizationTime: 1400 BC.Location: MexicoThere once flourished the great pre-Columbian civilization of the Olmecs. The first traces of civilization dates back to 1400 BC. In the city of San Lorenzo, there is one of the three main centers of the Olmecs with Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo.The Olmecs were master builders.

One found on these sites large monuments of giant stone heads. This civilization laid the foundation of all Mesoamerican cultures that followed. It is believed that the Olmecs were the first to develop a writing system, they would probably have invented the compass and the Mesoamerican calendar.

They knew the use of bloodletting, did and invented the concept of the number zero. This civilization was not discovered by historians until the mid-19th century.

Its decline occurred due to climate changes caused by volcanic eruptions, or perhaps harmful agricultural practices. The NabataeansTime: 600 BC.Location: JordanThe Nabataean civilization flourished in southern Jordan, Canaan region and northern Arabia from the 6th century BC. The Semitic people built the breathtaking city of Petra, carved into the sandstone cliffs of Jordan Mountains.

We also know about their talents in hydraulics and their complex system of dams, canals and reservoirs that enabled them to grow in a desert region.No written record has reached us and we know close to nothing of their culture. This however was a thriving civilization thanks to its geographical position which allowed them to create a network for the exchange of ivory, silk, spices, precious metals, precious stones, incense, sugar, perfume and medicines. Unlike other civilizations of the time, the Nabataeans were not aware of slavery and each contributed to the tasks of the city.During the 4th century BC, the Nabataeans left Petra and no one knows why. Archaeological evidence shows that their departure was not rushed, which suggests that they have not fled before the invaders.

It is believed that the northward migration occurred to find better work. The Empire Of AksumTime: 100 AD. ADLocation: EthiopiaThe began establishing itself in the first century AD in the area where Ethiopia is now located. Legend has it that this is the birthplace of the of Sheba. Aksum was an important trading center where we ivory exported, resources, agriculture and gold to the Roman Empire and to India. It was a rich society and the first to issue its own currency, which at the time was a sign of great power.The most distinctive monuments are his steles of Axum, gigantic carved obelisks playing the role of funeral terminals for kings and nobles. The first Aksumite worshiped many gods, the main one being Astar.

Then, in 324, King Ezana II was converted to Christianity and became Axum therefore a fiercely Christian culture. According to local legend, a Jewish queen named Yodit defeated Aksumite Empire and burned churches and books. Others believe that it is a pagan queen Bani al-Hamwijah would have caused the decline of the empire. Other theories attribute the decline to climate change and overuse of soils leading to famine.

Aksum came second in the list of greatest lost civilizations that vanished into thin air. The Khmer EmpireTime: 1000-1400 AD.Location: CambodiaThe, one of the most powerful empires and greatest lost civilizations, in Southeast Asia occupied what is now Cambodia to Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Malaysia. Angkor, the capital, became one of the most famous archaeological sites in Cambodia. This empire, which included up to a million people, was thriving during the first millennium. The Khmer practiced Hinduism and Buddhism and had built temples, towers and other sophisticated structures like the Angkor Wat, a temple dedicated to the. The decline of the Khmer Empire was due to the combination of several factors. Though most believe they were invade by the roads built by the Khmers to facilitate transport goods and troops across the empire.