Loyola Marymount University


Okay, first off, let me just say that I know how to live it up. I love having the beach and the view of L.A. with the ocean in sight from my bluff. It's pretty sweet.

Your Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of the costs you will incur as a student at Loyola Marymount University for the academic year.It includes tuition and mandatory fees and estimated amounts for books and supplies, room and board, personal expenses, and transportation.

I'd say my vantage point gives me a lot of perspective on life and whether I'm dealing in business, the arts, or humanities, I'm pretty committed to ethics. Like, volunteering-like-a-boss, symposiums-on-fair-trade-coffee, and starting-a-bioethics-institute committed.

I'm also super into the environment. Trees. I flippin' love trees. Also, water and renewable energy. Basically, if it helps the planet and gives me a chance to renovate, I'm on it.

Okay, I get it. You're probably wondering—with the sun, the sand, water polo, movies, and L.A. lights glittering in the background—when do I even hit the books? It's not all fun, games, sports, and Del Rey Players. Nope, when it's time to work, I study hard and keep an eye on the sunset from my cushy seat in pretty much the best library ever.


I'm the LMU Lion and I rule the pride. 'Nuff said.


Los Angeles, California



Body Type

Not too big, not too small. I've got a little over 8,000 students walking, running, biking, and volleyball-ing over my 142 acres.

Current Living Situation

Umm..okay, so, like any red-blooded Californian, I'm all about real estate. When in doubt, I renovate. Needless to say, I've got a lot of semi-swank options when it comes to dorms and on-campus apartments. You're on your own for furniture, though, because you only get the standard, modular stuff from me.

Relationship Status

Love and hate. I'm pretty sure it's just a sports thing with Gonzaga, but man, that Pepperdine. She's like my Malibu Barbie nemesis.


So, I'm Catholic, but like a good little Jesuit, I play well with others and I'm all about making new friends. I'm most proud of my work with multi- and inter-culturalism. You'll catch me talking about it quite a bit.


I'm kind of having an identity crisis. I mean, I lean to the left and I'm all about social justice and saving the world, but I do like a healthy debate. Even if it makes me look a little undecided. I guess I'm just happy that I can consider multiple positions without things getting too messy. Let's be friends.

You should apply to me if..

you want to see it all, create something new, and make a difference.



Shmoop 'Loyola Marymount University' in Your Language

Because speaking other languages is awesome.

Vincent's College, second building by Pershing Square, ca 1875.Loyola Marymount University ( LMU) is a private and in. It is located on the west side of the city and is scenically positioned atop the bluffs overlooking. LMU is also the parent school to located in.LMU offers 60 major and 55 minor undergraduate degrees and programs across 6 undergraduate colleges.

The Graduate Division offers 51 master's degree programs, one education doctorate, one doctorate in juridical science, one juris doctorate and 12 credential programs.As of 2019, Loyola Marymount University is one of the largest on the with just under 9,700 undergraduate, graduate and law school students.LMU's sports teams are called the Lions and compete at the level as members of the in 19 sports. This section needs additional citations for.

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( April 2018) Loyola Marymount University traces its history through Loyola College, founded in 1917 as the successor to St. Vincent's College which was founded in 1865, and Marymount College, founded in 1933 with its roots in Marymount School which was founded in 1923.The names 'Loyola' and 'Marymount' have long been associated with Catholic higher education in countries around the globe., founder of, sanctioned the foundation of his order's first school in 1548.The have conducted educational institutions since their establishment in France in 1849. These two traditions of education have come together in as Loyola Marymount University. Vincent's College The present university is the direct heir to the pioneer Catholic college and first institution of higher learning in, St.

Vincent's College, founded and run by the Vincentians until 1911.In 1865, the were commissioned by Bishop to found St. Vincent's College for boys in. Father John Asmuth, was the first President Rector. Classes were held for two years in the on the east side of the Plaza while a new building was being finished. The historic home, aptly donated by Don Vicente Lugo, was one of few two-story adobes then in town.

The house stood in the empty lot across Alameda Street between the Plaza and, (near ).After two years, the college and school moved into a new, brick building several blocks south by the lower plaza,.Later, the brick building was replaced with a larger one in stone that became a familiar landmark for its stately, central tower topped by a mansard roof. The 7th street property, now called, took up the block bounded by Fort , 6th, Hill, and 7th streets.

Vincent's later moved to a new campus, the old building became US Army Headquarters, and in 1907, the large department store was built and operated here until 1983. Today, the site is in the heart of Los Angeles's Jewelry District, encompassing St. Vincent Court. Vincent's was accredited by the state.

Vincent's College, facing east over Grand Ave. Near, 1905.In 1887, the college moved to a new, more majestic campus—bounded by Grand Avenue, Washington Boulevard, Hope Street, and 18th—which would have a chapel, residence hall, cottages, and a traditional, brick-and-ivy complex housing classrooms and lecture halls. Like the second college building by Pershing Square, the new retained a tall, central tower topped with St.

Vincent's trademark mansard roof.While the campus underwent many expansions, the athletic program grew, and the Catholic Collegiates competed against Occidental's Presbyterians and USC's Methodists. Vincent's athletes were also recruited into professional sports. During this era, from St. Vincent's College graduated many alumni who would become famous in the history of Los Angeles, among whom were, and.In 1911, the Vincentians, who had led the college since its founding the century before, were replaced with the Jesuits, who quickly moved the college to a larger property. As planning began on developing a 20th-century university, enrollment was folded into a new college, briefly called 'Los Angeles College' that would soon evolve into Loyola. The old campus became St.

Vincent's School. Vincent's historic campus was sold. Over time, the historic buildings of old St. Vincent's College have been torn down and replaced, including with the (1924) and large, open parking lots.

Beginnings of Loyola in L.A. When the Vincentians pulled out of educational ministry in Los Angeles in 1911, asked the to come to Los Angeles and take over St.

Vincent's College. Not wishing to assume any of the college's debt, the Jesuits, instead, founded Los Angeles College in 1911. They simultaneously opened their high school division and folded the board, faculty, and students of St.

Vincent's College into Los Angeles College at a new location made up of several bungalows at Avenue 52, Highland Park, Los Angeles. Father, was the first Jesuit President but the board of the college was initially composed of Vincentian Fathers. Rapid growth prompted the Jesuits to seek a new campus on Venice Boulevard in 1917; with this move, the name of the school was changed back to St. Vincent's College.

However, in 1918 the name was once again changed to Loyola College of Los Angeles. Graduate instruction began in 1920 with the foundation of a separate law school. Though instruction at the undergraduate level remained exclusive to male students, women were admitted to the law school. The law school was the second in Los Angeles to admit Jewish students. (USC's law school had done so at least since 1910.)In 1928, the undergraduate division of Loyola relocated, under then-President Joseph A.

Sullivan, S.J., to the present campus, and achieved university status in 1930, becoming Loyola University of Los Angeles. Did not move with the rest of the university, but moved later to another location just west of. had a significant impact on Loyola University. As enrollment began to drop, Father Edward Whelan, president at the time, brokered a deal with the to form an officer training program for both and officers. The contract allowed the university to remain open during the war and enrollment hit all-time highs as a result of returning veterans taking advantage of the G.I.

Bill in the mid-to-late 1940s. Additionally, Father Whelan recognized the grave injustice of the during World War II. At Loyolay, he hired and housed many Japanese Americans returning to Los Angeles after their release from the camps.In 1949, Father Charles Cassassa, was named president and began one of the most consequential presidencies in the university's history. His work included the formation of a graduate division on the Westchester campus in June 1950, graduate work having formed an integral part of the Teacher Education Program during the preceding two years, expanding campus infrastructure. He then established the Institute of Human Relations to promote improved racial relations in business and in government. Future Mayor of Los Angeles, attended the first year-long program held by the Institute of Human Relations and remained lifelong friends with Father Cassassa.

Father Cassassa also continued Father Whelan's legacy of combating racial injustice. In 1950, he forced the school's football team to forfeit an away game against since the school's rules prevented African-American players, such as Loyola's Bill English, to play on their field. During the Cassassa era, the law school moved to its current campus, designed by, in 1964. Loyola University also continued as an all-male school until its merger with Marymount College in 1973. There were, however, several notable exceptions. The first exception occurred during the summer months, when the Loyola faculty offered classes for religious women (Catholic nuns) seeking undergraduate degrees.

Many sisters from across Los Angeles and Orange County acquired their undergraduate degrees from Loyola. Additionally, women were admitted to several of Loyola's graduate programs prior to the affiliation and merger with Marymount College. Furthermore, there were several female students admitted to Marymount College who later matriculated into Loyola University during the two schools' five-year affiliation prior to 1973, primarily into Engineering and Business majors which Marymount did not offer. Beginnings of Marymount in L.A. In separate though parallel developments, the began teaching local young women in 1923.

Having been invited by, seven sisters of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, under the leadership of Mother Cecilia Rafter formed what was first an elementary school and, shortly thereafter, a high school. Within ten years, so many young women wished to continue their education with the Marymount sisters beyond high school that Marymount Junior College opened as an all-women's school on the campus of in 1933.Mother Gertrude Cain was the first president of the junior college and guided its development into a four-year college in 1948, assuming the name Marymount College of Los Angeles. In 1960, having outgrown its shared Westwood campus, Marymount College moved both its two-year program and its four-year program to the in southwestern Los Angeles. The Palos Verdes campus became.In 1967 Sister Raymunde McKay, the president of Marymount College, extended an invitation to Sister Mary Felix Montgomery, General Superior of the, to merge Marymount College with St.

Joseph College of Orange, a four-year liberal arts college for women religious run by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Orange, which Sister Montgomery accepted. Joseph College was originally formed as St.

Joseph Teacher's College, a junior college affiliated with in 1953. In 1959 it was incorporated as an autonomous, four-year institution and assumed the St. Joseph College name.In 1968 Marymount and St.

Joseph's Colleges merged under the Marymount name with an agreement that the traditions and heritage of both the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange would be carried in the Marymount name. As part of the Marymount College Agreement, Marymount College was administered 'co-equally' by the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange as members of both communities partnered in the governing, staffing, and teaching of Marymount College.Subsequently, St.

Joseph College of Orange was renamed Marymount College of Orange. During the academic year, it remained a college for women religious seeking their baccalaureate degrees; college courses were offered to men and women during the summers at the Orange campus. The same year, Marymount College began its affiliation with Loyola University, moving its four-year program at the Palos Verdes campus to the Westchester campus of Loyola University. Marymount College then operated on three campuses: Palos Verdes retained its two-year program, Orange remained a campus for women religious in Orange County, and Westchester was a campus for both lay and religious women. Affiliation and merger of Loyola and Marymount By the mid-1960s, Loyola University of Los Angeles had unsuccessfully petitioned the, Cardinal, to allow coeducation at Loyola for several years. In 1967, however, Sister McKay, President of Marymount College, received permission from Cardinal McIntyre to begin affiliation with Loyola University on Loyola's Westchester campus. Sister McKay and Father Charles Cassassa, President of Loyola University, held a joint press conference to announce the affiliation.The affiliation of Marymount College and Loyola University began in 1968 when Marymount's four-year program moved to Loyola's Westchester campus; this arrangement (two independent schools on one campus) continued for five years.

In 1970, the Student Governments of Loyola University (ASLU—Associated Students of Loyola University) and Marymount College (ASMC—Associated Students of Marymount College) joined to form the Associated Students of Loyola and Marymount (ASLM).After five years of sharing faculties and facilities, Loyola University and Marymount College merged and assumed the name Loyola Marymount University in 1973. Through this union, the expanded university maintained the century-old mission of Catholic higher education in and incorporated the educational traditions of the Jesuits, Marymount sisters, and Orange sisters into one institution. At this time, ASLM became known as the Associated Students of Loyola Marymount University (ASLMU).Father, who became president of Loyola University in 1969, continued as the university's president. The academic vice president of Marymount College, Sister Renee Harrangue, became the provost. During Father Merrifield's tenure as president thirteen new buildings were constructed on Loyola Marymount's main campus. Father Merrifield oversaw the expansion of 's campus in, near. Merrifield and the university commissioned to design the new campus, which was needed to accommodate increased enrollment.Merrifield also implemented a number of programs to increase minority enrollment, such as packages and, and added and programs.

He stepped down as president of Loyola Marymount in 1984, but remained the university's until 2002.Marymount College's four-year program subsequently separated from its two-year program. The Marymount two-year program remained incorporated as a separate institution and received accreditation in 1971 as the independently run, which is currently operates in. In 2010, Marymount College, Palos Verdes received accreditation as a four-year institution. With the merger of Loyola University and Marymount College in 1973, the Sisters of St.

Joseph of Orange joined the Society of Jesus and the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary as one of the sponsoring religious communities of Loyola Marymount University. Marymount College of Orange was renamed the Orange Campus of Loyola Marymount University. The Orange Campus offered continuing education and summer courses to men and women through the 1980s. Recent history In 2007, the university reestablished its presence in when the Theological Studies Department began offering a two-year master's program in Pastoral Theology in. The first cohort graduated in the Spring of 2009 and the second cohort began the following the fall. The classes are held in the Marywood offices of the Diocese of Orange, not far from the now defunct Orange Campus of Loyola Marymount University. In articulating a vision for this collegiate enterprise, the Board of Trustees turned to the history of the four-century-old educational philosophy, as well as to the educational philosophies and traditions of the Sisters of.

Xavier HallOn March 1, 2010, Loyola Marymount President, Father, announced his retirement as head of the university, effective at the end of the in May 2010. Lawton cited health problems, including a slow recovery from a 2009 back surgery, as the main reason for his departure.

He had served as president for eleven years, beginning his tenure in 1999.David W. Burcham, a 1984 graduate of Loyola Law School became the first lay president in the school's history. Burcham held the office for five years, from 2010-2015. Burcham, who presided over LMU's centennial in 2011, opted not to stay on after his term ended. The LMU elected Timothy Law Snyder, as the 16th president and he took office on June 1, 2015. Campus LMU sits atop the Del Rey Hills bluffs 150 acres (61 ha) in the. It overlooks what used to be Hughes Aircraft.

The original 99 acres (40 ha) were donated to the university. Xavier Hall, named for St., a companion of St.

Ignatius of Loyola, and St. Robert's Hall, named after St. Robert Bellarmine, a cardinal and Doctor of the Church, were the first two buildings to be built on the current Westchester Campus.

Following their completion in 1929, Xavier Hall housed both the Jesuit Faculty and the students at the time while St. Robert's Hall served as the academic and administrative building. Sacred Heart Chapel and the Regents Bell Tower were the next non-residential structures to be built on the campus (1953–55). The Malone Student Center, named after Lorenzo M. Malone, an alumnus of the university and former Dean of Students and Treasurer of the University, was completed in 1958 and renovated in 1996.

LMU now houses 36 academic, athletic, administrative, and event facilities as well as twelve on-campus residence halls and six on-campus apartment complexes. The campus houses four large open grass areas not reserved exclusively for athletic play.The university's acquisition of University Hall in 2000 brought the campus a new entrance as well as much-needed office and classroom space.

University Hall is a facility unique to any academic institution: It was originally constructed for as their world headquarters and converted from an exclusively corporate facility to a building thriving with academic life. LMU acquired the 1,000,000-square-foot (93,000 m 2) building in January 2000 from, which bought Hughes Aircraft. LMU completed the interior remodel in April 2001. The building, which houses the university's Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts, is constructed of steel and concrete and is divided into seven structures above ground.The Princeton Review has recently ranked LMU as having the 7th-most beautiful campus in America. CampusSqueeze college e-zine ranked LMU as having the 3rd-most beautiful campus in America. Apartments Hannon – Built 1978.

Houses 270 students. Largest apartment complex on campus.

Named for Eugenia B. Hannon.Tenderich – Built 1968. Houses 144 students. Named for Ernst and Gertrude Tenderich.O'Malley – Built 2000.

Houses 160 students. First apartment complex built on Leavey campus. Named for Thomas P.

O'Malley.Leavey 4 – Built 2002. Houses 178 students.Leavey 5 – Built 2002. Houses 176 students.Leavey 6 – Built 2005. Houses 176 students. Includes C-Lion convenience store. First LEED-Certified apartments on campus.

Sustainability LMU has a large solar electric rooftop array that generates 868,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, providing 6% of the annual campus electrical needs. The university purchased another 6 percent of its electrical energy through.LMU has committed to LEED Silver standards for all new construction on campus. There are three -certified buildings on campus, including the. All new and renovated roofing projects include installation of a highly reflective white membrane cool roof.Student sustainability jobs are available in the recycling program, and the student government has a position dedicated to environmental responsibility. Loyola Marymount earned a grade of a 'B-' on the College Sustainability Report Card 2010, published by the Sustainable Endowments Institute. Academics In addition to being the parent school of in, Loyola Marymount is the home to six colleges and schools.

LMU offers an program, an Honors Program in which the students have a different core curriculum, and several year-long, semester, and summer study abroad programs across the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Admission to LMU is competitive. Students from every attend LMU. Admissions Freshman Admission Statistics2011Applicants18,2,1,91311,309Admits,3876,2095,9756,043% Admitted44%47%52.7%54.150.2%53.4%Enrolled1,5201,5001,3481,3411,2781,288SAT Math +Reading range120-139100-130ACT range27-3127-3125-3025-2924-2924-28Avg GPA3.903.813.753.723.763.71U.S. News & World Report classifies Loyola Marymount's selectivity as 'more selective.' For Fall 2019, LMU received 18,500 freshman applications admitting 44% and enrolling a class of 1,520 first year students. Members of the Class of 2023 earned an average high school GPA of 3.90 with the middle 50% scoring between 1250–1400 on the SAT.Rankings National.

's 'Best Colleges 2020' ranked Loyola Marymount tied for 64th in the U.S. Among national universities (those that offer a full range of undergraduate majors, plus master's and doctoral programs). Main article:'s -designed campus is in the neighborhood west of and is separate from the main university campus. Including its day and evening programs, Loyola has a large and diverse student enrollment. It was the first California law school with a graduation requirement, under which students perform 40 hours of work. Organization The governing body of the university is the school's independent board of trustees, headed by a chairman.

The university's executive officer is the president. Prior to 2009, a prerequisite to serve as the university's president was membership in the Society of Jesus; however, the board of trustees voted to allow educators not a part of the Jesuit Order to become president.

These changes were made at the recommendation of the American Assistancy of Jesuits, the collective body of Jesuits in the United States in response to the declining number of Jesuits as well as those prepared to serve as the president of a major university. See a.The president is assisted by the chancellor, assistant to the president, director internal audit, the vice president for mission and ministry (under whose direction the Office of Campus Ministry and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality operates) and the vice president for intercultural affairs. This section relies largely or entirely on a single. Relevant discussion may be found on the. Please help by introducing to additional sources.Find sources: – ( April 2018)Loyola Marymount's Office of Campus Ministry is a component to the promotion of the university's mission and identity.

Founded in 1911 as the University Chaplain, this division became known as Campus Ministry in 1973 with a stipulation that the Director would be a Jesuit. By 1986 this requirement was waived when Sr. Margaret Mary Dolan, R.S.H.M. Became the director. Dolan, an alumna of Marymount College's class of 1958, received her Master's from LMU in 1974 and also served the university as a campus minister, director of alumni relations, residence hall minister, and alumni chaplain since 1973.In 2008, as part of the university's Centennial Capital Campaign, it was announced that an $8 million fundraising goal was set to endow the office as the 'Peg Dolan, RSHM Campus Ministry Center' in honor of Dolan's contributions to the university.

The same year, the university asked her to address the class of 2008 at the undergraduate commencement exercises and she was awarded an honorary doctorate. At the dedication ceremony in September 2008, over 700 alumni returned to campus to honor her legacy at the university. When Dolan died in 2009, more than 1,000 people returned to campus for two days of liturgies celebrating her life.Located at the north end of the university, Sacred Heart Chapel is the main worship space on campus. A basilica-style church, Sacred Heart has two side altars and the Mary chapel, which is located behind the crucifix, in addition to the main chapel space. The chapel is lined by tall stained glass windows. Each window bears the seal of one of the 28 other universities in the United States; additionally, following the 1973 merger, edged glass window of the other four colleges and universities in the United States were added.

Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination The Academy of Catholic Thought and Imagination (ACTI) at Loyola Marymount University is a community of scholars who work in dialogue with the Roman Catholic intellectual tradition by developing, examining, communicating, or otherwise engaging the resources of Catholic thought and imagination, especially as it is informed by the Jesuit vision of Ignatius of Loyola. The Academy is a hub for scholarship, interdisciplinary research, pedagogy, and outreach on LMU's campus and in the southwest United States. ACTI sponsors and co-sponsors events, supports interdisciplinary dialogue within the university, and publishes academic work promoting its mission. Founded in April 2014 and Directed by Dr. Brian Treanor, ACTI has been sponsoring and organizing events since April 2015. The Marymount Institute for Faith, Culture, and the Arts Founded in 1991, the Marymount Institute was designed to help strengthen the legacy and contributions of the Marymount tradition at LMU, and encourages interdisciplinary and intercultural scholarly and artistic activity in the form of research, publication, exhibits, performances, conferences, seminars, and lectures.2008 saw the opening of the Marymount Institute Press. Itself an imprint of Tsehai Publishers and Distributors, the MIP was founded by the Ethiopian-born journalist, publisher, and social activist, Elias Wondimu, and already has two publications to its credit: 'Panim el Panim: Facing Genesis, Visual Midrash' and 'A Journey into Love: Meditating with Piers Plowman'.The President's Marymount Institute Professor in Residence is Nobel Laureate.

Athletics. Main article:Athletic teams at Loyola Marymount are known as Lions; the school's primary athletic affiliation is with the. While LMU has had success in several sports, it is probably best remembered for its men's teams between 1985 and 1990, with as coach and for the death of star player (#44), who collapsed during the second round of the WCC tournament on March 4, 1990, and for his friendship with teammate (#30).

Their jerseys have been retired at LMU.Especially well-remembered was the 1990 team, led by Gathers and Kimble until tragedy struck in the WCC tournament. Gathers collapsed during a game and died due to a previously diagnosed heart condition. Playing for their fallen teammate, the Lions advanced to the Elite Eight (regional final) of the before falling to eventual champions.The primary indoor athletic facility is the.starting pitcher attended and pitched at Loyola Marymount in 2001. LMU Softball holds many records. It owns more titles than any other PCSC (Pacific Coast Softball Conference) team, with three in 2003, 2005, and 2007. In 2007, Tiffany Pagano and LMU beat UCLA 4-2 in the Los Angeles regional in the NCAA Tournament, to mark their first win over the Bruins, and the first time that UCLA had not won a regional and advanced to the Women's College World Series. Student government ASLMU, The Associated Students of Loyola Marymount University, is the functioning student government.

The government body is composed of an Executive Branch, composed of the Management Team and Cabinet Departments; a Legislative Branch, composed of the Senate; and a Judicial Branch, composed of the Judicial Committee. The only elected positions are those of the President, Vice President and the Senate. Unlike the senators, the President and Vice President have a limited term of two years.

Student media The Los Angeles Loyolan The Los Angeles Loyolan newspaper has been published for more than 90 years. It was originally titled The Cinder for the cinders kicked up by the trains passing the downtown campus of St. Vincent's College. In 2007, The Loyolan moved from its long standing weekly Wednesday publication schedule to a twice a week—Monday and Thursday—schedule. It has since returned to a weekly Wednesday publication schedule.The paper is supported by its advertising department, which has historically paid from 80% to 100% of the cost of publication. Its regular sections include News, Opinion, Sports and Life+Arts.

Special sections include Business, Travel, Cartoon and the parody section, named The Bluff after LMU's distinctive landmark.In 2005, the paper won the Columbia Scholastic Press Association award for 'Best Four-Year Weekly Tabloid.' In 2011–2012, the Loyolan 's website, laloyolan.com, won a Gold Crown, presented by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.

The honor is one of eight awarded to college newspapers nationwide for website excellence. This was the first time in the Loyolan 's history that it won a Gold Crown for its website. The newspaper has won three Newspaper Pacemaker Awards for exceptional college journalism, presented by the Associated College Press and the Newspaper Association of America Foundation in recognition of general excellence and outstanding achievement by a college newspaper.

The publication won in 2007, 2011 and, most recently, in 2013.In August 2013, the student staff of the Loyolan took the publication to a digital-focused format, publishing stories and video segments online daily.This transition will take place over a three-year period in which the staff will focus on mobile, social media and the web. As part of this digital focus, the Loyolan announced that beginning in the spring semester of 2015 there will only be one print edition published per week.

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June 7, 2007, at the. Board, Editorial (2013-05-08). Retrieved 2016-09-28. ^. Archived from on April 15, 2017. Retrieved September 2, 2017. 'LMU Receives Award for Service' –.

Archived from on 2010-08-21. Retrieved 2008-06-02. CS1 maint: archived copy as title. Archived from on April 15, 2017. Retrieved September 2, 2017. Archived from on 2016-10-11.

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Retrieved 2016-09-28.External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to.