Portal Quest Wiki

100 rows Each Hero has a Rank, which is represented by color. The colors (weakest to strongest) are. . Turn the quest in to Archmage Khadgar (in front of you) at coords 54.6, 48.4, and accept Azeroth's Last Stand. Azeroth's Last Stand -Kill one of the Iron Grunt located around the stairs leading up the Dark Portal, and loot the Iron Horde Missive. Hit 'Complete Quest,' on your sidebar, and accept Onslaught's End from Archmage Khadgar.
Contents RankEach Hero has a Rank, which is represented by color. The colors (weakest to strongest) are white, green, blue, purple, orange, red, and gold.
A Hero's Rank can be upgraded if the Hero is fully equipped with Gear in all six slots. After the first few Promotions, Heroes will earn '+1', or higher numbers after their Rank (e.g. This is a Rank in between that color and the next one, which is shown in Battle with a different, more detailed border around the Hero's portrait.WhiteThe lowest Rank at which all Heroes start. It comes with their basic White skill.GreenUnlocks a second skill. Includes Green+1.BlueThis unlocks the Hero's third skill - the blue skill. Includes Blue+1 and Blue+2.PurpleThis unlocks the hero's fourth skill - the purple skill.
Includes Purple+1, and up to Purple+4.OrangeDoes not unlock a skill, but the becomes available. Orange rank goes up to Orange+8.RedHeroes gain specific benefits from reaching the red rank. The highest rank in the game currently available is Red+5. Red unlocks the 'Honor' tab, which allows the hero to have an Honor Class, which includes another skill. See page for more details.GoldOnce you promote a Hero to Gold Rarity you will unlock the ability to power up your second Honor Class.
Use this to your advantage. Ramps or other objects for great distances.
From this point on you’ll be able to level up and toggle between Honor Class skills as you see fit. At Gold Rarity, toggling between Honor Classes has no penalty. Once an Honor Class is saved as a defensive lineup it will remain there until the Honor Class is Abandoned or until the lineup is saved again with a different Honor Class.Hero AppearanceSee and.RatingA Hero's Rating multiplies its power, depending on how many Stars that Hero has. The upgrade in Rating uses Hero Shards, which vary from hero to hero and server to server for those heroes. Most shards come from Elite Campaign stages, although some can only be obtained from chests, or with tokens. These sources change with each patch and seasons, etc.Amount of StarsMultiplying FactorUpgrade Cost (Shards)1.1.502.00Hero ListPlease be aware that not all heroes exist on all servers.NameRoleAspectPositionStarting StarsBackBackFrontFrontBackFrontFrontBackFrontBackBackBackFrontFront.
General info Patch 3.3 - unlocked!. raid.
dungeons. tactics. tool added. Updated tracking. added. added.
Full patch notes:.Patch 3.2 - The calls!(5). Alliance. Horde. Neutral. Battleground. added.
World Events. updated. added to. added. added.
added. in. Full patch notes:.(10/25).(10/25).Patch 3.1 - unleashed!.,.,.,.,.,.,. Optional bosses are marked with a.
introduced. revamped. added. in. Full patch notes:.