Street Fighter Iv Champion Edition Review


Street Fighter 4: Champion Edition perfects the winning gameplay formula by offering higher resolution graphics, three new characters (Poison, Ibuki and Dudley) wide screen support for newer iOS devices and a host of updates and refinements. Long time Street Fighter fans can jump into the action and have an instant familiarity with the controls. Seth is returning to Street Fighter V on PlayStation 4 and PC after serving as the end boss in IV, with new moves and a visual overhaul. 4 months ago Street Fighter V: Champion Edition – Seth.

This 'mobile'-ized version of Street Fighter feels great unless you're playing it online.
Developer: CAPCOM
Price: $4.99
Version: 1.00.01
App Reviewed on: iPad Air 2
Graphics/Sound Rating:
User Interface Rating:
Gameplay Rating:
Replay Value Rating:
Overall Rating:

Fighting games have gotten quite a bit of a raw deal on mobile. Most of them are just some swipe-based free-to-play thing that focuses more on grinding to level up characters rather than using skill and precision to win. With the release of Street Fighter IV Champion Edition though, it seemed like Capcom was determined to treat the genre with respect while bringing one of the best fighting games of all time to the App Store. Although on its face Champion Edition retains a lot of the feel of the original Street Fighter IV, this mobile version feels like half of a game because of its poor multiplayer system.

Quarter circle punch

Unlike mobile free-to-play fighters like Skullgirls, Champion Edition plays an awful lot like the original Street Fighter IV. You control your character using a virtual joystick and buttons for punches, kicks, and special actions like Focus Attacks and EX Moves. The game also features some great MFi controller support, which further sells the game as a legitimate, non-neutered fighting game you can take on the go.

He was a journalist on a quest to gather research about the mansion's haunted Immerse yourself in a world full of supernatural spirits and sheer terror. He was a journalist on a quest to gather research about the mansion's haunted history. As the story unfolds, Miku discovers gruesome details about the Himura mansion's troubled past. Guided by her sixth sense and armed only with an antique camera, Miku sets to solve the mystery of her brother's sudden disappearance. Fatal frame 1.

All that being said, Champion Edition does have quite a few key differences between itself and its console and arcade brethren. For starters, Champion Edition does not look particularly great. Its character models are jagged and move with stilted animations as they duke it out on flat, unmoving backgrounds. Other changes include an incomplete roster, fewer costumes, fewer Ultras, and some streamlining when it comes to controls and moves.

Simply street fighting

Considering these differences, it's astonishing that Champion Edition feels as much like Street Fighter IV as it does. Crouching medium kick into standing Hadouken still totally works as a combo Ryu, and even smaller things like E. Honda's neutral jump heavy punch works to dodge projectiles just as it did in the original game.

At the same time though, certain smart changes have also been made to the game's moves to make them a little more friendly for people using touch controls. Activating Chun-Li's Lightning Kick, for example, takes far fewer mashes of the kick button to activate, and Ultras and Supers can be activated simply by touching the meters. In addition, the game has reduced the number of buttons for punching and kicking to just one each, which sounds like it would wreck the game's balance, but it somehow works. Despite all of these changes though, Champion Edition still feels like something better experienced with a controller of some sort.

Mashy multiplayer

When playing Champion Edition in its single-player modes (which include Arcade, Survival, Training, and Challenge Modes), it's a great experience. The controls feel snappy to the point that you really feel as capable and in control of your characters as you might when playing on a real arcade cabinet. Unfortunately though, this all falls apart in the game's woefully miserable multiplayer system.

Regardless of whether you are playing Champion Edition's Ranked or Free multiplayer matches, there's a lot to be desired when it comes to matchmaking and in-game performance. In testing, queue times usually matched rather quickly, but on certain occasions could extend from a couple minutes to almost a whole hour. Once in an online game, things only get worse. There are frequent issues with disconnects, and--even in stable games--there is noticeable input lag on characters and hitching in animations. All of these things make it extremely difficult to play Champion Edition with any amount of actual proficiency. Over the course of this review process, I tested Champion Edition's multiplayer on several different kinds of connections, and on all of them these issues persisted.

The bottom line

Street Fighter IV Champion Edition is a hugely disappointing game. It does almost all of the right things when it comes to making a great mobile fighting game, but really messes up the most important thing: the multiplayer. Playing Champion Edition online is such a compromised experience, it feels like a different game, and not one you'd ever want to play.

It’s probably best to get the obvious out of the way. Street Fighter IV Champion Edition for iOS is an exercise in nostalgia. From the characters down to the gameplay, it a mobile game largely intended for those with fond memories of the legendary series and the younger folks in their lives for whom they have passed down a love of Street Fighter.

The Kearney Public Schools’ new high school, which opens for classes this week, has five student locker rooms, Schutte said. One has a combination of gang and individual showers. We use cookies to ensure you receive the best experience when you use our website. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. Jan 02, 2017  Many moons ago I was showering in a crowded Westside YMCA ' gang shower' and this young teen ( maybe 13 or 14) in a yellow swim suit was wandering through the shower room, staring at the crotches of all of the showering men. The kid had an obvious hardon and the guiltiest look of pure pleasure on his face. High school gang shower. When i was in high school our gym class was last class of the day and often the teacher would be in shower with us taking a shower but seems like cause of the Penn state deal and others gym teachers have to wait til kids are out before they can shower. Also we had gang showers so if you where in the shower you could see everyone else naked as.

The fun, accessible and highly addictive gameplay likely go a long way in keeping the series relevant and perhaps helping it attract new fans. However, make no mistake, the marker of whether Street Fighter IV Champion Edition is a success comes down to how long-time fans and enthusiasts feel when playing. This is both the blessing and the burden of becoming part of pop culture cannon.

The good news is, one significant issue aside, Street Fighter IV Champion Edition lives up to expectation. Firstly, apart from the stunning high-definition intro scenes and equally beautiful snippets when the characters enter revenge mode, the graphics emulate the Street Fighter series at its prime. Clear, but not too clear, two-dimensional and, most importantly, just rough enough around the edges to bring you back to 1998 rather than 1989.

For many fan of retro games though, strong graphics simply aren’t enough anymore. There’s just too many 16-bit games on the market. The sound also has to be on point. Here too Capcom does a stellar job. The thuds, pows and pops sound just as you’ve come to expect. Given that playing Street Fighter is the closest most of us will ever come to a real, live street fight, it’s impossible to comment on their authenticity, but it couldn’t sound more like what we’d expect getting a roundhouse kick to the abdomen to sound like.

The result is an excellent game in solo play. It’s the same, old Street Fighter we know and love. You choose your favourite fighter and bring them through the ranks by smashing buttons and strategically using special moves as best as you can. The more you practice, theoretically the more successful you’ll be, even though often it can feel like the luck of the draw. The violence is rough, but not overly graphic. There are head-locks and energy fields a plenty but no dangling eye-balls or gory dismemberments here.

The transition to on-screen controls might pose a challenge for some. Yet, if you’re playing on one of the newer, smaller iPads or an iPad mini, you could very well find the switch to result in an even more comfortable gaming experience than with a controller. Like all console transitions, it can take a bit of getting used to, but you’ll quickly be back in top form.

All of this should add up to Street Fighter IV Champion Edition being a fantastic game, totally worth the price of purchase. While all of these things do work really well, there is one big, glaring issue that is likely affecting the enjoyment of many players. That is the problem of finding a match in multiplayer. Whether in ranked or free games, it seems impossible getting matches to load even with no filters applied. Tested on three different devices (new iPad, iPad 4, iPod Touch 6th gen), on two different wireless networks, and with two different Apple accounts (one UK, one Canada), the issue persisted.

Sadly this is all we ever saw of Street Fighter IV Champion Edition’s multiplayer mode.

Solo play is enough of a challenge to hold many users, but for scores more playing against friends, family or even random strangers halfway around the world was a massive part of the fun. Street Fighter without a functional multiplayer is like a peanut butter sandwich without jelly – really good but not great. Hopefully this is a server capacity issue that will be sorted out very shortly, but until then if you know playing solo isn’t enough for you, holding off on downloading might be a good idea.

Another thing worth reminding folks of is the reality that while the in-game violence isn’t extreme, the game does have some rather provocative female characters. Poison is particularly racy and her special moves involve whips and thigh-locks. All power to her, but if you’ve young children it might lead to some questions you’re not quite ready to answer.

Overall, Street Fighter IV Champion Edition is definitely a contender when it comes to great games, but it isn’t exactly a champion. If it sorts out the multiplayer issue it’ll likely earn a place on many a homescreen. Until then, it’s a beautiful but sometimes lonely journey into your own nostalgia.