Turok Dinosaur Hunter Cheats

This walkthrough for Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Nintendo64 has been posted at 11 Apr 2010 by armorofgod and is called 'FAQ/Walkthrough'. If walkthrough is usable don't forgot thumbs up armorofgod and share this with your freinds. And most important we have 3 other walkthroughs for Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, read them all! Turok - Dinosaur Hunter. CHEATS: Beim 'Enter Cheat'-Screen kann man folgende Codes eingeben: CODE WIRKUNG.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Cheats For PC. Infinite livesTo unlock Infinite lives collect enough shards to have nine lives and 99 shards. The cheat can be activated in the options menu. Using cheat codes turns off achievements for the remainder of the gameContributed by:tr1ckynhoj. Cheat PasswordsEnter the following codes in the Enter Cheat Menu for the desired effect. Turok Remastered Cheats For Macintosh.
GOG AchievementsThis title has a total of 10 Achievements on GOG. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement. AchievementDefeat the MantisAncient ExterminatorDefeat the CampaignerCrushing ConclusionAssemble the ChronoscepterLegendary WeaponObtain maximum HP from collecting Mortal WoundsNot Quite MortalComplete the training coursePractice Makes PerfectComplete the time trial mode in under 2:45SpeedrunnerKill 3 enemies at once with the knifeSwift and DeadlyDefeat the TRexT-RektDiscover all secret areasTurok: Treasure HunterDefeat the LonghunterYou Call That A Knife?Contributed by:Eevee-Trainer. Turok Remastered Cheats For Xbox One. Cheat Menu CodesGo To Enter Cheats Menu EffectTHSCKSTFTHSHSCKAll KeysSNFFRRDisco ModeLKMBRDFly Mode (Enables noclip.
Cheat CodesEnter one of the following codes at the 'Enter Cheat' screen. Then, start a game and pause. Now enter the cheat menu and set each enabled code as desired. All cheats entered can be saved after reaching a save point.The Big CheatEnter ' NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK' as a code. This will enable invincibility, all weapons, unlimited ammo, infinite lives, full map, big head, level skip, and warps (Long Hunter, Mantis, T-Rex, Campaigner). All weaponsEnter ' CMGTSMMGGTS' as a code. Infinite ammoEnter ' BLLTSRRFRND' as a code.
Dynasty warriors strikeforce weapons. In Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce, movesets are no longer restricted by character like in the previous titles. Instead, each one is affiliated with a particular type of weaponry. The game's weapon switch function enables characters to use any available moveset by means of a sub-weapon other than. These are weapon images found in Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce and Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2. Some of them also come from Warriors Orochi 2. The weapon type you want to train as your sub weapon, set it so you can put 2 orbs on and put Adept Orb and Area Orb. Chi- Left Hand- Controll Right Hand- Coup de Grace Left Leg. Here is a list of the many weapons found in Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce.Visually, every character wields the same weapons as they do in Dynasty Warriors 6: Special but their weapons can be customized to the player's liking. Unlike Dynasty Warriors 6 and the Special expansion, each weapon for characters with a cloned moveset is different in appearance.
Infinite livesEnter ' FRTHSTHTTRLSCK' as a code. Flight modeEnter ' LKMBRD' as a code. This will allow you to fly; press R or L to move up or down.
Pen and ink modeEnter ' DLKTDR' as a code. This will make the graphics black and white line art, similar to a sketchbook.
Disco modeEnter ' SNFFRR' as a code. This makes colors flash on screen and the animals and people dance. Spirit modeEnter ' THSSLKSCL' as a code. This enables invincibility with slow-moving enemies. Quack modeEnter ' CLLTHTNMTN' as a code.
This makes the graphics and game animations degraded. Greg modeEnter ' GRGCHN' as a code. This enables credits, big heads, all weapons, and infinite ammunition. Robin's cheatEnter ' RBNSMTH' as a code.
This enables credits, big heads, all weapons, infinite ammunition, and invincibility. Dana's cheatEnter ' DNCHN' as a code. This makes all enemies smaller. Show enemiesEnter ' NSTHMNDNT' as a code. This shows the enemies as red arrows on the map. Purdy colorsEnter ' LLTHCLRSFTHRNB' as a code. This makes the game environment appear in rainbow colors after the next cut-scene or using a teleport-portal.
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View galleryEnter ' THBST' as a code. This allows enemies to be viewed, scaled, and rotated in 3D. Display creditsEnter ' FDTHMGS' as a code. Secret movesSide dashQuickly tap Strafe Left or Strafe Right twice, and Turok will do a quick hop and a slide to the left or the right. Air jumpRun or drop off of a ledge. Then, the instant Turok begins to fall, press Jump. Fully powered arrowsInstead of rapidly firing one arrow after another, always count to two before releasing the trigger button.