We Rule High School

Every school has different rules for cell phone use, but most allow students to bring phones so long as they turn them off during class. Parents: check the school's rules - and to follow them. Generally speaking, kids should use their phones sparingly and only when permitted, before and after - but not during - the school day, such as when they need a ride, there's an emergency, their plans change, or Mom or Dad calls.

(And parents, although it can be tempting to text your kid during the day, unless it's truly urgent.)Students have been known to misuse their cell phones at school. Make sure they know not to use the phone for unsanctioned purposes, such as cheating, harassing teachers and videotaping it, taking pictures of other kids without their permission, and so on.

Some violations have serious consequences - and the evidence is all on the phone.What are your school's rules about cell phone use? In my school we can use our phones but during class we have to have them silent and in our pockets. And when it’s brake we can use them but for cyber bullying reasons we can not take photo’s or videos also not allowed to call or text unless a teacher says we can.But we also have to still interact to the people around us.

If you weren't able to make it to VidCon 2013 Smosh premiered and performed We Rule High School live. More VidCon 2013 Videos and highlights coming soon so Subscribe. Uh, uh here we go! Ian: High school Is pretty crap So we're gonna teach you With this hecka cool rap How to get through Your first year in school And how to be like us and be Super cool! Anthony: If you wanna be cool You gotta get to school late Cool guys always show up to school late The teacher might smack you and Player hate But don't.

Sometimes when our computers are flat we use our phones as a backup.If someone has not silenced or turned off there phone it will be but in a good stable cushion box then after class returned. That’s what my High school does. or to share your thoughts. So, my school is strict. When you go into PE u must put your phone in the box or it gets taken off you, checked by the teacher and you're not allowed to collect it you need your parents to. Though your not even allowed it through our the day you must have it on silent or off in your bag. I completely understand the teachers dont want us on our phones for obvious reasons such as students not paying attention in lesson.

Though having a phone can save so much time for you like for example there wasn't enough computers in my Maths lesson so me and my friend had to waste the whole lesson looking for Tablets to use when we could've just used our phones. Your not even allowed your phone after the bell at the end of the day and when you want to call your parents for a lift home or something so you have to go to the office, surprise surprise you go to the office they're busy they send you to student support they're busy too and send you to the office so your just there at school waiting for them to find time to ring your parents. or to share your thoughts.

Ever Since i Came to My School Middle School, The Rules Have always been strict, As well as the phone rule Somewhat.You Have to put your Phone Away once the first bell rings and can take it out after school, It's not Aloud All day/ During Lunch or Even Nutrition(Aka Just some freetime).If they see your phone at all, They Can Take It, They Can Take your phone for either the whole day or until the end of class If it Goes off and rings.i mean, Not that strict but 'Mesa View Middle school' Is strict-ish And Acts like they Are Perfect aswell as Has a Very Bad Reputation. or to share your thoughts. My school has really knuckled down on its phone use rule recently. In the beginning, we were told within form time that starting from next week there would be a new rule that if you were seen within the school site with your phone out, you would be asked to put it away and being seen repetitively with it out would mean a detention (this also applied before the school bell-which should not be a rule).

The reason for this was to limit antisocial behaviors within the school where the 'gamer' kids would not talk to each other. Our school is really cracking down on cellphone use. You need a pass from a teacher to use it anywhere on school property, and those passes are only obtainable if you need to use technology. That's fairly dumb, because the school provides students iPads, both Windows laptops and MacBooks, and a computer lab anyways. That's 4 sources of internet. The classes are unbelievably small, too, so you could easily fit two separate grades in the computer lab. This makes no sense to me.

Either take the easy way and ban all smartphones, or crack down on the situation in a better way. Just allow them to listen to music. Maybe they're having a bad day.

They don't want to talk to anyone, so give them a way to have alone time that isn't frowned upon. Because of these rules, you're not respecting the children's transition into adulthood, you're making them look weird if they don't feel comfortable socializing, and you make no sense.

There is already portable internet available in the school. I am really confused. or to share your thoughts. As a student I feel it is not fair for students to not be able to have their phones on them, when they are not using it as a distraction or in classes.At my school you are only allowed to have it after school and in certain areas around the school at that time. Even if you are caught with it after school in the hall it will be taken away for 5 business days ( a week ) and you are also given a demerit.

I feel this is unfair especially during modern times where everyone uses their cellphone for school and as a communication device. In a state of an emergency such as a fire the office/ front desk/ teachers can`t call over a 1000 parents in time for everyone to get to safety. I feel this is not fair and should be looked at and taken into consideration. or to share your thoughts. Most schools are getting stricter and stricter with their rules about cell phones. At my school, we have extremely strict rules. You are to have your phone on silent.

If you have a smartwatch or any kind of watch, if it beeps, they will take it away, smartwatch or not. If they see a spot bulging out in your pants or binder that looks like a phone, if it is a phone, you will automatically have it taken away. I would just recommend having your kid either leave it at home or have it turned OFF and in their LOCKER all day. or to share your thoughts. Hi, I'm a sophomore in high school and my school makes us turn off our phones completely and put them in a phone pocket holder that sits on the wall or on a table. The school claims that it is not liable for any stolen (there already has been a phone stolen) or broken phones that were in the phone pocket.

They also claim that they are taking our phones away because kids are using their phones to sell drugs, however, they are still able to do that during lunch or passing periods, because we get our phones back. And I was wondering, is the school allowed to do that?

Because if we refuse to put our phones into the pockets, we are punished with a referral and a 3-hour detention after school even if we simply forget to put our phones away. Sometimes, some teachers will take our phones out of the pockets and look at the lock screen to find out whos phone goes off during class. In my opinion, I don't think that this phone pocket is ethical nor appropriate, especially for highschool students. or to share your thoughts. This isn't not much of a reply but more of a WHAT? So your school makes put your phone in pockets of the classroom and if you don't, you are punished.

The school makes you do this but is not liable if they get stolen or broken. From my knowledge this shouldn't be allowed because they are making you do something that can cause your property or parents (if your parents bought it) they are not liable if it gets stolen they should be because if you don't you get punished. You should check if the policy and rules say anything about the liability awareness. or to share your thoughts. While I was in elementary school, we had to keep our phones in our bags for the whole day. For the school I went to for 6th grade, you could use your phone every day at lunch and when you were done with your work in class.

Torn rotator cuff symptoms and treatment. As for the school I'm currently going to, they tell us to keep our phones in our lockers. No one does it, and the teachers don't really care. They also tell us to turn it off, and people, once again, don't care.

All we do is keep them on silent in our pockets, and earlier in the year, could use it on certain days at lunch if we were previously good. Now that we have today (early hours of Tuesday the 12th), Wednesday, and a high school tour Thursday as our last days of school, the teachers don't care anymore. I use it frequently in Algebra, and my Spanish teacher encourages it.

I even have a little fan that I plug into my phone in Science. If you want to find the little fans, go to GameStop. They plug into your phone's charging port.

or to share your thoughts. I can tell that most schools are pretty leaniuate on cellphone use. Which is cool but im looking for an answer towards what happened in my algebra class. My friend and I were working on are assignment, being quiet, and following basic rules. But are sub was drill sergeant rude.


Well, she reached into my friend's pocket, and took his phone. She had to literally dig threw his pocket to get it, and no we had no previous warning. I don't know how to get the student handbook to look for myself, so I was seeing if anyone here knows if this allowed. or to share your thoughts. At my middle school they say we can't text after dismissal which is basically when we are standing up walking to our buses. My phone sometimes opens random apps, and it opened messages and the teacher came over and asked my name then she said 'That's how we get our phones taken away' and she said it in a matter that sounded like she thought I was stupid!

I looked her in the eye and I was thinking 'why can't we have our phones out while loading buses?' Could someone pllzzzz tell me why if you can't then clearly my teacher doesn't know what she is talking about I guess!. or to share your thoughts.