Shadow Of Destiny

Homunculus and the Philosopher's Stone.Shadow of Memories (as known in Europe), or Shadow of Destiny (as known in the US) is an adventure video game released by in 2001 on the PlayStation 2. Other platforms are the PC, Xbox, and PSP. Shadow of Memories is set in Lebensbaum, a small German town in 2001; but makes use of time travel as your protagonist fights against destiny. The producer and writer released Time Hollow for the Nintendo DS in 2008, which shares some parallels to Shadow of Memories but no direct links and is not a sequel. ' And so my strange experience has come to an end.'
Travel through changing time periods and use clues from the past to change the dire destiny that awaits. With stunning true-to-life graphics, full character voiceovers, multiple story paths and a riveting tale of mystery, Shadow of Destiny defines the next generation of adventure games. Mar 07, 2001 Shadow of Destiny is a murder mystery and its enjoyment comes in the form of a captivating storyline that will pull you in so deeply that you won't want to.
Ending B1In B1, Eike goes to the fortune tellers house only anddiscovers the fortune teller's identity and convinces Hugo to enter the hut tomeet with her; Helena causes the building to collapse, killing Hugo, who allowshimself to be killed by debris in order to be reunited with his mother (thoughit is not mentioned if her spirit is actually freed by this). Eike then returnsMargarete to the past in which she grew up (though the present is actually herbirth-era).He then goes to the Bar Zum EiEnding B2After visiting only Homunculus, B2 sees Eike goading Hugo toabandon Margarete in the present, only to have Eckart subdue and scold him(neither he nor Margarete are aware of their true relation to each other). Hugoapologizes and returns to the past with Margarete. Eckhart tells Eikie he is moved by the young Margarete. He then goes to the Bar Zum Ei and then has a drink.
'It's all over. But somehow it left me without a sense of finality.' Ending CEike travels to the 13th of August 1584.
Hugo searches forhis father's research while an elderly Hugo appears with a time machine andoffers to teach him to use it. When Eike reveals his presence in an effort tostop young Hugo from listening, the older version panics and tries to escape upthe stairs. Margarete gets in his way, and he threatens and tries to strike herwith his cane.
Hugo rushes to stop him, and the two make contact, causing bothHugos cease to exist due to a dimensional paradox. Margarete collapses, andEike returns to the present, where he gives the Digipad back.
Use your words meme. Use Your Words is a digital party game for funny people and their unfunny friends! Coming soon to Steam, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Apple TV! You can rotate your meme, add scumbag hats, deal-with-it sunglasses, speech bubbles, or other custom images, and draw on your meme using the panel just above the meme preview image. You can create 'meme chains' of multiple images stacked vertically by adding new images with the 'below current image' setting.
After Homunculus'departure, Eike lies down in the street to look at the stars praising beingalive, only to be run over by two drunk men in a car.' If I could only do it over again, just one more time.' Ending DEike chooses not to bring Dana home and then when he gives the stone to Dr. Wagner he mentions to him to draw a pentagram similar to the one on the Alchemy Book.Impressed by his youthful wisdom Dr. Wagner obliges.Eike enters the ruined lab and burns Wagner's notes aboutthe stone, just as Hugo and Margarete enter. Unable to read the burned notes,Hugo apparently never learns about what his father was working on and thusnever desires revenge or create a time machine, causing the Hugo and Margaretein the present to disappear. Hugo then decides to live his own life.
It isrevealed in a flashback that Homunculus is actually a djinn or genie imprisonedin the form of what became known as the Philosopher's stone, and not at all anartificial life created by Wolfgang Wagner. 'So what have I actually accomplished? Where did I come from, and where am I going? How long is eternity? Ending EEike asks Dana, the actual Margarete Wagner (his biologicaldaughter, based on Ending D, though neither is aware of this), to return withhim to the present in which she grew up, and she reluctantly agrees. When Eike arrives at the town square in the present at the request of Hugo she is held hostage byHugo (again, neither of them nor Eike are aware of their true relation to eachother).
Eike goes to get Margarete and brings her to the present, where sheslaps and scolds Hugo. Tearfully, she tells him she can try and be more liketheir mother was to them and take care of them both. Hugo apologizes, thenreturns to the past with Margarete, who had managed to warn Eike about Hugo'splans. Eike and Dana are then about to intimately share a tender embrace butare suddenly interrupted by Homunculus. 'What kind of a life awaits me.?
I'm not sure, but maybe that's the way it should be. The future is what - what all of us - make it.' Final FateIn a new, alternative timeline, formed after the events ofthe previous endings, Eike exits the coffee shop at 2pm on March 8th, only tobe stabbed by Hugo. Waking up in Homunculus' realm, it is revealed that Eikenow has all of his memories from the previous timelines/endings, as he asks,'Am I dead again?' , and recognises Homunculus' voice. Burnout paradise. Like before, heobtains the Digipad and goes back to 2pm, waking up in the cafe.
This time, hetries searching for the Philospher's Stone in the cafe, knowing that it issupposed to be in his possession. Unable to find it, he looks through the town.Rememberingthat he went to the fortune teller's/Helena's place 'a bunch oftimes', he goes there and tells her that he will find the stone soon andwondering what to do with it and Homunculus. Helena, cursing Homunculus as a 'cursed abomination', cannot suggest to him on how he will use it.Atthe town sqaure, he notices the future version of himself disguised as a streetperformer, fully aware of his identity by saying, 'Hey, that me!' Atthe Bar Zum Li, the fire starts again as it did it Chapter 1, with Hugo tryingto get Eike into it so that he will die. Eike knows this time around that it isHugo, but manages to prevent saying this. Not going into the bar, he watcheshis future self, who throws his the egg ornament, but this time the messagedoes not involve getting something for protection, but instead informs Eikethat the red stone is the Philosopher's Stone and will help create an elixir of life, capable of healing all diseases. The future Eike disappears, with thepresent version noting that this version of himself was from a differentfuture.Going back to the cafe, he checks to see if Dana has gone off to givehim back the lighter and the stone, only for her to be still in the place, thushe retrieves the stone.
Back to the bar, Eike goes in, and discovers thatunlike last time, he can't travel back to before the fire, but instead 1580,due to recovering the stone earlier than in the previous timelines.EX1 EndingEike goes back to 1580, once again saving Magarete from blackmail,and goes to the Wagners' home. He meets Hugo and the sick Helena before goingwith Magarete to check up on Dr. In the alchemist's laboratory, Eikehands Magarete the stone, not wanting to give it to him personally in fear of aparadox. He tells Wagner that it is the Philospher's Stone and how using asmall chip of it can cure his wife. Exiting the house just as Helena is curedby the elixir of life, Eike stumbles, having changed the history of his familyas well as prevent Homunculus from being released. Fading away, he is happythat he is free of regret before disappearing completely.EX2 EndingEike dies in the burning Bar Zum Li and finds himself in Homunuclus' realm, with the Philospher's Stone in his pocket. He calls for Homunculus, who is disappointed due to wanting to show himsef to Eike later.

With the djinn right in front of him, Eike throws the stone at him, resulting in a pardox that erases Homunculus from existence. Happy that he is free from fate, Eike fades away into nothing. 'All those people in my memory.
What happened to them, in all the lives they lived? There's no way to know, not now.
But I'm going to believe they all had a good life. And myself, I'm going to start living a new life. Free of regrets.'