Tainted Fated

Tainted Love. New Vintage Baroque comes. Songs of the Baroque pave the way for the ill fated lovers to an end youll have to come and see! Play in Browser (Works on PC and Mobile) Download for Windows Download for Android. CORRUPTION OF CHAMPIONS. Play in Window Download (Right-click, Save-as) We have crystallized CoC’s soul into Lethicite for portable users on Android and iOS. Fall of Eden.

'Hes not a wolf.' Devastated by the death of his best friend, Zio is a soldier with one thing on his mind: revenge. Consumed by a conflict thats raged as long as hes been alive, hes had little time or inclination to learn the legends of the shifter world he was raised in.

And he certainly doesnt have time to deal with a shifter of a different kind, even if its for the 'He’s not a wolf.' Devastated by the death of his best friend, Zio is a soldier with one thing on his mind: revenge. Consumed by a conflict that’s raged as long as he’s been alive, he’s had little time or inclination to learn the legends of the shifter world he was raised in. And he certainly doesn’t have time to deal with a shifter of a different kind, even if it’s for the good of the war effort.

For the good of his pack. The fact that he’s already crossed paths with the new face in his unit is almost irrelevant.Almost.Do no harm. Give life not death: it’s the oath Devan was reborn to live by, so when he’s sent abroad to embed with a wolf pack as their resident healer, he doesn’t hesitate. In the supernatural world, some bonds are instant—soldiers become brothers, pack become family. But others run deeper and before long, Devan’s at the mercy of instincts he can’t control.Zio’s inner wolf is desperate to be with Devan, while Devan struggles to keep the pack safe. But as the war escalates, and new love is tainted by anguish and pain, the battles within might prove the toughest of them all.'

I won’t let him die.' I really wanted to like this, if that counts for something.Sometimes, I'll read an urban fantasy or sci-fi book, and I'll feel like I was just thrown into the fray. Like I can't get my bearings straight and I have no idea what the hell is happening.

//- Info Supraball is an eSports title, that creates a new genre. It's a First Person Sports Game that feels pretty much like football without being football. It's supposed to be played with 'W, A. Supraball gameplay. We play Supraball. Leave a like rating if you enjoy! My Minecraft Channel: Follow me on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/V.

That's how I felt reading this one.My friends seem to be either in the 'love it' or 'meh' camp with this one, and I was hopeful I would be one of those who adored it. It started off okay, and I was excited to see where the story would I really wanted to like this, if that counts for something.Sometimes, I'll read an urban fantasy or sci-fi book, and I'll feel like I was just thrown into the fray. Like I can't get my bearings straight and I have no idea what the hell is happening. That's how I felt reading this one.My friends seem to be either in the 'love it' or 'meh' camp with this one, and I was hopeful I would be one of those who adored it. It started off okay, and I was excited to see where the story would take me, and then it just. Stopped grabbing me.One of my biggest issues with the story was the lack of physical descriptions. I felt like I could picture none of the characters, so they all blended together like character soup in my head.

I had trouble keeping them straight, and I was less invested in them as a result.I also found the whole plot to be more than a little confusing. The world-building made little sense to me. What roll did humans play with the shifters?

Is this a post-apocalypse-type situation, or is this a fringe of society and the rest of the world is resuming like normal? Why did the shifter factions hate each other? Where did the shifters come from? I had so many questions. World-building done well is a very hard thing to accomplish, and it was lacking here.I know can write her butt off, but this one wasn't it for me.

2.5 starsI'm so in the minority with my rating I'm thinking I read a different book than everyone else, because I really struggled with this one. The first 60 percent was very heavy on the world building, which morphed into the shifter war. This impacted on and let down the character and relationship building that this author usually excels at. I also spent a lot of the time confused, as if I'd missed a book somewhere. I did read the prequel which was a peek into how Dash and Luca got together 2.5 starsI'm so in the minority with my rating I'm thinking I read a different book than everyone else, because I really struggled with this one.

The first 60 percent was very heavy on the world building, which morphed into the shifter war. This impacted on and let down the character and relationship building that this author usually excels at. I also spent a lot of the time confused, as if I'd missed a book somewhere. I did read the prequel which was a peek into how Dash and Luca got together but still, I was so lost at times.The character detail was so minimal I struggled to even form a picture in my head of what Devan and Zio looked like.

And only found out at the end that Zio had brown skin and brown eyes. I know it's just a little thing but I need the details to build a picture whilst I'm reading, but the detail was so sparse I gave up trying.This could have been fabulous with less of the total war domination and more on the slow-burn mates-bond romance that Devan and Zio had going on. A war that with one move Dash and Luca could've stopped in its tracks so more time could be given to Devan and Zio.4,5 stars.What can I say?Garrett Leigh AND shifters.

YES, please!The expectations ran high, and I know you should never expect anything, BUT this time I was not disappointed.- I loved pretty much everything here.) Interesting universe, Im keen to hear more about.) Wild, explosive, angry Zio who needs a little bit of love to mellow and prosper.) Brilliant healer Devan who made me ah! For his gentle and kind nature.) Two shifters pulled together by fate almost against their will the.4,5 stars.What can I say?Garrett Leigh AND shifters. YES, please!The expectations ran high, and I know you should never expect anything, BUT this time I was not disappointed.- I loved pretty much everything here.) Interesting universe, I’m keen to hear more about.) Wild, explosive, angry Zio who needs a little bit of love to mellow and prosper.) Brilliant healer Devan who made me ah! For his gentle and kind nature.) Two shifters pulled together by fate almost against their will – the animosity between them to start with causes wonderful sparks.) The scorching heat and UST between these two.) I do love my mating bonds and all the passion and intense feelings that comes with them! But earthquakes?! That is awesome!) ‘Interracial’ relationship – Devon is NOT a wolf (but a shifter of a different kind).What was a surprise:This gets pretty gritty at times, as we find these packs at war which involves, not quite unexpectedly - a couple of bloody and gruesome fights.A super start to this new series.

Can’t wait for the next book!

Probably not the best first post. But this is the point of joining so i'll get on with it. (I am a TiTs patreon however.)This program is literally based on (its a source edit) and inspired by program (linked).I missed CoCEd so much playing TiTs that I decided to go ahead and make TiTsEd myself.alkeiser is the current maintainer of TiTsEd.USE AT YOUR OWN RISKThis program is to be used at your own risk only. The developers and maintainers of this program are not be liable for any imagined, mental or physical damages, including indirect or consequential damages that occur due to the use of this program.HOW TO USE.

Get a Windows computer running at least.Net Framework 4. No it will not run on Linux/Mac, no not even with Mono/Wine/dotNetCore/etc. Yes I am serious. No it will not run on mobile. No there are no plans to port it. While untested, it should be possible to run it in a Virtual Machine with a Windows guest meeting the above requirements.

Play TiTs in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge or Internet Explorer either from a downloaded copy of the game or from the. You may also use the Adobe Flash Standalone player with a local copy. Only these browsers are known to work, others may work, but may also not work. Even if it uses the back end of a working browser (such as with Sea Monkey or Chromium), it may still not work. Play the game as normal saving your game.

Save normally with the button that says 'Save'. If you use the button that says 'Save File' you will need to open the file with the Import function as described below. Open TitsEd. In the upper right hand corner of the program there will be the button 'Open', click it. You will see a menu that says things like 'Local (Standard)', 'LocalWithNet (Chrome)' or 'Online (Edge/Metro)', mouse over the one that corresponds to the browser and play style you used.

If you saved using the 'Save File' in TiTs you will instead go to the bottom of the Open menu and select 'Import.' And navigate to your saved file. If you do not see any of these menus, ensure you are using a supported browser. If you are, try playing in a different supported browser. You can transfer your save between browsers using 'Save File' and 'Load File' in TiTs. Select your save, it will load your character information. Edit your character information as desired.

Some options are dangerous! Please be careful when editing and try to avoid extreme values. Editing data on the 'Raw' tab is especially dangerous!. Click 'Save As' in the upper right hand corner of TiTsEd to the desired play style and browser. You can export your save to a file that can be loaded in game using 'Load File' by selecting the 'Export.' Button on the 'Save As' menu.It is recommended you use the standard Save/Load functions with TiTsEd as these are better tested and more convenient.HELP! MY SAVE IS CORRUPTED!

/ TITSED BROKE MY SAVE!Keep in mind I (or anyone else) is not responsible for your use of this program.However, hope is not lost. Limted atm but it functions. Congrats in being the first person who post a editor. I just hope you stick with it, last few projects that proclaimed they were making an editor just pretty much disappeared after the first week or 2 after getting some attention. Some of those projects even proclaimed in wanting to do a character viewer.

In my opinion sure a viewer would be nice but the person making the thing srsly needs to back it up with art and body pieces for the thing.A stat editor (which this appears to be atm) is nice. I will wait and probably not hold my breath on seeing the various other functions of Perdev's/TheMadExile's be included that matches TiTS flavor. No offense but after being let down half a dozen times I don't want to get my hopes up yet again so you can imagine that I don't want to be disappointed again. Keep it up and good luck, I'll keep my eye on this. Added basic body editing. Height, Thickness, Tone, Femininity, Skin Type, Skin Tone, Fur Color, Hair Length, Color and Type, Face type, eye color and type, ear type, and tongue type.Thre are some minor interface problems. Some of the additions need type data still (namely fur color, hair color and eye color), and a few features a missing regarding them (like Hair Style and tips for femininity), and some things are wrong (hair length uses adjectives not inches)?Use at your own risk (that is, save in a new slot if you are worried).See original post for links.

Basketball stars unblocked Control your player to perform awesome dunks and 3 pointers to win the game.

Version 0.4 is forthcoming.Added more transformation editing as well as flag editing for skin, arms, legs, and tails. These tend to be a bit more difficult to accomplish in minerva, and almost inpossible in the desktop version (since you cannot add to arrays). Though I have added tail editing, editing the genitals of tails are not in yet, so selecting those tails may not work as expected.I hope the way I implemented flag editing is acceptable, I plan to add 'default' flags for any given type of skin, arm, leg, tail, etc you choose but that's a bit down the road past item editing.As usual, use at your own risk.

I have tested and things seem to work. But in this complicated of a game you never know.See the original post for download. Really tired now, so i'll make this quick.Version 0.5Added a lot more transformation options. Legs, lips, beards, tail genitals, scale and skin tone. As well as face and tongue flags. Also got in some preset values for hair color. Added missing Lapine tail type (It is not set in TiTs GLOBALs, so I originally missed it by being lazy).Probably no new update tomorrow going to be working late.Use at your own risk and see the original post for download details.EDIT: Also if you can think up a new way to layout for all these boxes that makes using the program easier, please let me know.

Nothing fancy please! You are a wizard!

Thank you so much! I loved the CoC editor, and while I've been using Minerva to edit my files, I struggle with it as I don't really have programing experience and it's a little difficult to figure out what's what in there.

This makes life so much easier! Especially because I don't want to change too many things, just customize my Steele a bit more than the initial character set up lets you.I do have a suggestion though.


Perhaps the ability to change cum/milk production? That would certainly be appreciated as well.