Supreme Commander Forged Alliance

Find all the latest Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance PC game downloads on Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. Keep running up that hill. Review by Alec Meer, Contributor. Updated on 23 November 2007. A chilly November.

A Cybran engineer building a Hydro, while getting assisted by the ACUIn this chapter we'll cover the basics of economy and some build orders to get you started.List of wordsLet's start gaining knowledge! Cybran Engineers reclaiming rocks while on attack move (alt+right-click)From the picture above you can see how important the economy bars are to you - they show so much information, and you need to know what that means. Study that picture carefully, you will need to know about it at a later time!Remember - you should be checking those bars every few seconds to make sure your economy is on track, and fixing it if its not.ReclaimEverything on the map which isn't part of the terrain is reclaim - and you can collect it to get extra resources to fuel your battles! Simply get an engineer or the ACU and right click on things that can be reclaimed to receive a nice boost!

This can be a surprisingly large part of your income, and if you reclaim a lot, you will have a huge advantage over your opponent. Its quite difficult to illustrate this,but here are some numbers to help you get an understanding of its scale:.

Was this an excuse to show some art of a D&D character? Apparently I forgot to set the random factor in its proc chance, so you’ll be able to immediately obtain it, no issue for this patch and this patch only. Only slightly. Moira’s art for Reaha should now display more frequently (and be able to be selected as primary). You can now find a fiction story by Kase (but really Night Trap, back in 2018) in his quarters. Trials in tainted fated names.

You tend to have mass storage for 650 units at the start of the game. The amount of reclaim on maps can range from 4000 all the way to an unbelievable 200,000 units of mass!. Destroyed tanks give 81% of their mass cost as reclaimable mass - for 20 Strikers that's 940 mass!

Never forget the destroyed tanks after a battle!. This is even more for experimental units - a GC wreck lets you build a new one for a fraction of the cost!. Experienced players can win games without building a single mass extractor on some reclaim heavy maps!Knowing this you can guess what happens when you let your experimental die in the hands of your enemy. Also a good lesson to not learn the hard way: retreat your experimental in time, so that you can destroy it once it's back in your base and build another one from the wreck!

If you can kill the enemy ACU however, go for it.By now you should understand the eco bars (including the total income and outgoings, not only the calculated income). But what do the numbers mean? It's really easy, for example: If you have +10 mass income you get 10 mass every second.Note: more info about reclaim will be covered further in the guide, but for now just remember that if you've reclaim available you should try to reclaim (and use it) asap, not only wreckages are reclaimable. Also rocks and trees, trees almost only give energy though, so they aren't always that important, but can have very special uses.An interesting Video by espeed2 on reclaim:Build orders - The two legendsA build order is what you're going to do with your ACU and the first engineer(s) at the start.

It gives you a nice start and is different for every map, however, you don't need one for every map. There are two build orders which can be applied on almost every map.Second landA build order where the ACU builds two land factories.The ACU builds:. Land factory.

2 Pgens. 4 Mexes. 3 Pgens. Land factory. Move to front line or help produce more factories (the first is better)The First Engineers build:.

1st Engie: Expands, reclaims, or assists ACU. 2nd Engie: Expands, reclaims. 3rd Engie: Assists ACU, takes over base production for ACU to move toward front lines-Second AirA build order where the ACU builds a land factory, followed by an air factory. An example build order involving hydro UnitsIn this chapter we'll see what you can build with the stuff we've seen in the previous chapter ('Introduction').General informationThere are a few things you cannot bind to one subject, like tech and upgrades for example. The game exists out of 4 techs: Tech 1 (T1), Tech 2 (T2), Tech 3 (T3), and the Experimental Tech (Exp or T4). Besides that you also have upgrades for the ACU, mexes, and some other stuff like adjacency bonus'. I'll always start from the bottom (T1) and work my way up, although you might not see any T3 in here, because these will get covered later in the guide when you understand the basics.The ACU.

The ACU is the Queen on the chessboard. It's very important, can do a lot of stuff, but also very easy to lose if not paid attention to.StrengthThere's a lot of stuff to say about the ACU, so let's start with the basics: strength. People often put the ACU equal to 20 tanks in a 1vs1 game, thus it can be used as a very aggressive unit. However, you don't want to risk the ACU too much, so let's see how much it can take:A Cybran ACU fighting 15 Seraphim tanks-You can see the ACU didn't have a lot of health left, something you definitely want to avoid from happening! But you can also see the ACU took out 15 tanks, which is a lot. If the ACU had some backup, maybe 5 tanks for example, it wouldn't have been in trouble at all. You can also notice the ACU was under attack by all 15 tanks the whole time, we'll see what we can do to avoid this in.VeterancyEverything that can kill gets veterancy after it desroys a certain amount of mass (double the unit's own cost for most units).

This means that if a unit deals damage to an enemy unit but doesn't get the kill on it, it will still advance towards its next veterancy. The amount it advances is determined by the enemy unit's cost and the amount of damage your unit dealt to it. The ACU for example needs roughly 20 T1 tank kills to get its first veterancy (1k mass killed).

You can only get a maximum of five veterancies. Each time a unit gets veterancy its health will not only increase, but it'll also get a certain amount of its health back. The ACU for example extends its health capacity by around 1K (depending on the faction) and gets 10% of its health back by the first veterancy, for free!Coming soon: a video showing a nicely timed veterancy for the ACU and more explanation.OverchargeNow that you know what veterancy is, you should realise you can use your ACU aggressively. And if you do this, there's one thing you should never forget: always build power storage! Because when you have more than 5K power (you start with 4K), your ACU can use his overcharge. So what is overcharge exactly? A powerful cannon shot which does great damage, it is capable of killing groups of units up to tier 3 (if they are close together).

Overcharge damage scales with the more power you have in storage. A tier 3 unit won't die with just 5k power used but if you build multiple storages and fill them up, it will die just like lower tier units.

Supreme commander forged alliance forever

Overcharge can't kill an experimental unit in a single shot but it can deal significant damage, provided you have the power for it. Here's a video showing its power:Video coming soonUpgradesAlright. A little bit earlier we saw the strength of the ACU and as you can imagine it isn't that great later in the game. That's where upgrades come into play, let's sum them all up with a nice video:GunEngineering suiteMore to come soonBuildpowerBaseHere we'll talk about pure macro. When to get what.Offense & DefenseYou won't kill the enemy with nothing to attack. But what exactly is the best unit to attack with? Or defend?CountersThis is the part where it gets really interesting.

A player can have double the eco of his opponent and still lose, why? Because the different kinds of units play a big role in the game!

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